Manifest Files Demo

Features of this collection


0. Run setup/source setup.bash in top level before starting.

1. Build the collection initially:

perl -S -site localsite documented-examples/manifest-demo-e 
perl -S -site localsite -activate documented-examples/manifest-demo-e
Note: If you forget to pass in the -activate flag to the buildcol command, use a file explorer to go into your Greenstone 3 installations's web/sites/localsite/collect/documented-examples/manifest-demo-e folder, and rename the building subfolder there to index.)

Preview the collection. Contains 8 documents, 5 from BOSTID and 3 from EC Courier.

2. Add some new documents into the collection.

Copy the three folders fb33fe fb34fe wb34te from import.extra into import.

perl -S -site localsite -manifest manifests/add-new-files.xml documented-examples/manifest-demo-e 
perl -S -site localsite -activate documented-examples/manifest-demo-e
Now there should be FAO Better Farming Documents, and one World Bank document.

3. Delete some documents from the collection.

perl -S -site localsite -manifest manifests/delete-some-files.xml documented-examples/manifest-demo-e 
perl -S -site localsite -activate documented-examples/manifest-demo-e
Note that we haven't actually deleted the docs from the import folder. Just from the collection's archives and index subfolders.
Now the EC Courier documents should be gone.

4. Modify some metadata

Copy import.extra/fb33fe-metadata.xml to import/fb33fe/metadata.xml 
Copy import.extra/fb34fe-metadata.xml to import/fb34fe/metadata.xml 

perl -S -site localsite -manifest manifests/new-metadata.xml documented-examples/manifest-demo-e 
perl -S -site localsite -activate documented-examples/manifest-demo-e
Preview and the new metadata should be there.