The Maori Messenger - Ko te Karere Maori 1855-1860: Volume 1, Number 6. 01 July 1855 |
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. TE KARERE MAORI JULY; 1855. CONTENTS: Page. Page. Leader ......... Letter from Wi, Hopihana . - . . 7 Correspondence ....... 5 Native Feud at Taranaki .... 7 Letter from Wheiga ...... 5 Commercial Report for June . . .13 " " Haupapa: .... 6 Shipping Intelligence . . . . .15 " " Haimona; .... 7 Auckland Markets ...... 16 AUCKLAND: PRINTED AT THE "SOUTHERN CROSS" OFFICE. FOR THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT.
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THE MAORI MESSENGER TE KARERE MAORI No. 6.] AUCKLAND, JULY 1, 1855. AKARANA, HURAI 1, 1855. [VOL. I. To increase the wealth and encourage the in- dustry of the native people of New Zealand has been one of the guiding principles of this paper from the day of the publication of its first num ber up to the present hour. When this paper was first commenced, there was little of the trade in existence which has since been so successfully established. Instead of the people of New Zealand being able to ship cargo after cargo of wheat, oats, barley, butter. flour, potatoes, cheese, maize, hams, bacon, salt fish, salt pork, and other valuable articles, of agricultural and dairy produce every one of these commodities wore then being imported, and in such considerable quantities as to drain New Zealand of her monyy in payment, instead of, as now, enriching New Zealand by the gold which she derives in return for the fruits of the soil. When people were flocking away from New Zealand, first to the gold fields of California, and afterwards to those of Australia, we took oc- casion to assure the native farmers that a dili - gent use of the spade and the plough would be to bring the riches of these gold countries into their hands. We urged them then, as we urge them now. to prosecute the labours of the field with industry and vigour, and they know best whether we gave them golden counsel or not. The increased production from the native canoe trade alone is sufficient to slow how steadily the gains have increased; the progressive receipts of three years being about £4000 the first year; £6000 the second year; and £12000 the third year. But, much as the native people have accom- plished in the pursuit of agricultural knowledge, and in the growth of agricultural produce, they are still but upon the threshold of that prosper- ity which, with common exertion. must await New Zealand. The soil and the climate of New Zealand are especially favourable to the success- Ta tino take o te Nupepa nei i taia ai; he mea, kia mat, au ai nga Tangata Maori ki te ahuwhenua, kia ranea ai he moni, mo te hunga maia kite mahi; no te oroko tuhi tuhinga o te Nupepa nei tenei whakaaro, a mohoa nei. I te timatanga o te Nupepa nei, he iti te hoko hoko o taua wa; na ko tenei kua nui haere te mahi o nga iwi, nakonei, ka nui nga mea o tenei whenua, e utaina ana ki tawahi; imua ko te Witi, me te Oti, me te Pai e, me te Kanga, me te Paraoa, Riwai, Pata, Poaka, Ngohi tote, me te tini noatu o nga kai he mea uta mai i tawahi, a ko okonei moni i riro hei utu mo aua mea; tena ko tenei, e utaina ana enei mea, e a okonei tanga- ta ki tawahi na reira ka hua mai te moni hei utu mai ki tenei whenua. I te wa i kitea ai te Koura o Karaponia ka whati atu okonei tangata ki reira; a i te kitenga ano hoki o te Koura o Poheripi; no reira ano matou i tuhi tuhi ai ki te Nupepa nei, ko te tangata kaha kite ngaki i te oneone, mana rawa ano te moni, no reira ano hoki matou i meatu ai, kia kaha te ngaki kai, kia maia te ahuwhenua, a ko nga Maori te matau ana, he kupu pono aua kupu nei. Ko nga mea e utaina mai ana i nga Waka Maori, te mea hei whakaatu ite pono o a matou kupu, mo te Tau tuatahi o te mahi, nga utu mo nga mea i eke mai i nga waka, £4000; mo tetahi Pau £6000; me te toru o nga Tau £12, 000. Ahakoa nui noa nga utu mo nga mea e ngakia ana e te Maori; tena atu ano te tino mea e nui pu ai te moni; ko te ahuwhenua maia mau tonu; kiano hoki nga Tangata Maori, i tino mahi ite Whenua, e tuaa ngoikore ana i tenei takiwa, tena kia kaha te ngaki ite whenua tena rawa ano te Moni. Ue whenua pai rawa tenei Whenua mo te ngaki kia; otira me matua mahi, ka hua ai te kai; me mahi a whakaaro, kaua e hikakatia te
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. (2) TE KARERL; MAORI. ful prosecution of industry. But. rural in- dustry, to be long .ind grontly sur'cos.-;ful, must be carried out by an •--•'o:ifi-.->i.-;il and mt<'lligibl.1 system, and not be left depi"'Tideiit upon t!ie un-» yeoman like production of inferior crops from lands badly ploughed, carelessly workr'd, planted without bein.g mannred; and prepared tor ilie market without either Barn tothrash t!ie grain, ynrds to stack t!ie strsw, or any of those neces- sarios of the FARM YARD, by which land is made rieh instead of becoming impoverished by con- tinuous cultivation, and by which (he rsal farmer is distinguishable from tho slovenly scratcher of the soil. It hns long been n..<serfced that Now Zealand mush be the granary of tin3 sin'ro'inding colonies. Of the truth of that as?ertion vro fed firmly por- snaded ; but, in tbo moantim?, ifc must groatlv depend upon the e.xert?ons of t!ie native people, wliether they will be able to ?upply t!ie !argo tip- man'!s tor pro?hico thnfc cannot fail, year by year. to be made upon t'iem, and so to augment their own riches in a manner of which they can scarcely torrn an adequate conception. We must rerr;h-icl them. howcver. that ifc is not by immodcrate prices, but by a rational and reasonal»le rcmur.erafcioii of tlu'ir industry thnt they mnst hopo to bc-como ncli. There is I-P.U(:I) fine and fertile land in Anstralu; aud tl;ero are seasons when the liarvcsts there are immensely productive. But the climate is not to be reliod'| on like that of New Zealand. In Wintcr and in Sprins Australia is liable to be floode'I ; ?nd in Summersnd Autumn,whffn the crops rcquirc moisture, they are fr^quently lost from t!ie long and parchiug rlrou.ghts. T!ie prevailing absence of these two evils, floods in Wintpr and drought? in Summer, are great matters in favour of New Zealand husbandry. But these are not all. T!ie means, of water carriag'n, which have been so lavishly granted to New Zealand, are sadly defective in Australia, where long and expensive I;«nd carriage has to be incurred. Van Diemen's Land is less subject to drought than Ausfcralia; but by far t.he gr"ater part of that island i? mountainous, stony, and unproductive ; and al- though thnre aro sevcral portions of it exceed ingly fertile, st;ill t!;ere is a wnnt of wat?r ear riage, whilst t!ie roads are mountainous, bad. and ru?ged, and t!ie conveyance of produce to market difficult and expensive. It is,—with ITusbnndry reduced to pv?tom— by means of the fargrcater certainty and !arger 1 retnrn of crops in New Zealand, by t!ie less ex-! pensive channels of water carriagp, nnd bv thp lesser cost of production that our fan-ncrs^mu?t hope to pro?per. It must bo by underselling -Australian farmers in Australian markets, ann by the organization of a complete and gencrat system of agricultural and c!airy farmin.: thai the New Zealand people can become ru-h an" prosperous—that wcaltl'v men can be induced to 'nahi; ko te rite o te mahi kia rite; kaua e wha- kakinoa te Purau o te maani kia pai te whaka- h:icrc o te pn.rau, whaihok'i mo ura he mea ki t,e 'whenua hei whakamomona ino te witi kia hua ai; tetahi me whakapu te witi ki reto ki to taepa e fca ai te kauika, a me patu te witi ki toua whare ano ; roakonci ka kore ai he paru., he kirikiri, ha kotakota pipi e uru mai kiroto ki te witi; a ko nga kakau o te witi me kawe ano ki te mara hei whakamomona mo te oneone ; makonei e kore te mara e whetengi; makonei ka tupu tonu te wit.i i nga tau katoa; kei tenei te kitea ai te tangata mo!i!o ki te m:ihi Pamu, cli;zra hoki te tangata, mang'cre ite niohia ki te ngaki Pamu, he raka raka kau tana i te whenua chara i te ngaki. No mua te <-/ kupu noi ko Nutircni he mahi witi mo n,ga. whenua kat,oa, e tuta,i a nini ana ki konei. Otira kei nga tang:ita .''laori kia noaia te ng;iki witi to pono ai !-cnc-i T:'.;p'-i ; no te mea i toro tonu mai nga tini i'.vlien ",a ki konei, a mu. te maia o konei ki to Tn;ihi ,!;;u k;i mau tono te h'«ki hok:i mai kikonei hoko kai ai; noi hoki ra ko te mea tenei i mea ai matou he iwi noho taea te Maori ki te moni ; mehemea,, eman tonu ana to ratou maia ki te ahu- •vhonua. Oi ira kia mahara nga tangata moni ki tenei; (.'hani ite utu nui mo nga mea e ngakia ana, ma reira e nui ai e maha ai te moni, kahorc, ma te in;rn tonu ki tu mahi; whaihoki ma te mau tonu. ki te liol^o hoko i o ra tou kai e hua ai te moni. Inahoki lie whenua pai to Poihakena, e hua ana te witi o reira, otlra kei etahi tau ka. raki, na reira i kore ai te witi e tupu i aua tau raki; ^ena ko Nutireni, kahore ona tau raki, he tupu tonu te witi i nga tau katoa. I Poihakena kei te Raumati kahore he ua, tena i te Hotoke ki wa?pukea te whenua, koia nei nga lie o reira, k"* Xutir<?ni kahore he peh.:"i ; inoi aki' ^"io toYK'- rwvhenua i pai ke ake ai i Poi I;;.h:eu^ • he tiu! ".'.'• nga awaawa, hoi ut°>ngi 'i;;"!'' 'rae- ui;^ ^^ ki rui;c^ a, «. \\ . i te waka; tena ko Poihakena, lie kainga tua whenua koia i hoha ai to reira mea i te utanga mai i run,ga i te kaat.a. Tena ko Hopctaone he whenua tera e tua pai ake ana i Poihakena, otira, he kainga wa maunga kau ano, lie wahi momona ;ino ia kei roira, na te mea kabore e patata mai ki tatahi i he ai ano tera kainga. Te mea e nui ai to tangata ngaki kai o Nutircni, ma tana, matau ki te ngaki pai i te Pamu na te :';;i o nga v>'ai o tenei whenua e tae atu ai te wak;i- hei utu mai i nga ka?, kei tenei te ranea ai lie moni ma te tangata ahuwhenua. Tc'tyhi mea e nui ai tenei motu ko nga witi o tenei whenu;'., me whakahoki iho nga utu i to Poihakena ; kia hacre mai ai o reira tangata wliai moni kia tatou; n".akonei e timata te hoko hei whakakotahi i tohunga ngaki whenua ma reira ka hua pai ai te moni. i A ko te rite o te rhaki whenua ka rangona .i tnf;m Ti"lt r>r> TII r> to n r> li'""t?-ii.l
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. (3) TE KARERE MAORT. a<ld their capital to onr?,—and that commerce i-nov be made to flow in upon us from ever} quarter of the globe. T!ie exports of agricultural produco from Auckland, during the present season, have been verv considerable ; but great as t!iev liave been, and still continue to be, they would have been much more so had ths supply been at all eqiinl to the demand. Exports have been obliged to he rpgulated cautiously ; for, as t!ie pnpulatioi: of the country is constantly on t!ie increase, and as the ships in harbour liave grown from an oc- casional s!lip or two to a small fleet of rare!v less than trorn ten to fifteen vessels, t!ie demand of food for liomo consumption neces?arily prevent? that !arge export which would othcrwise take place. We crirne?tly !hope tliatthe Now Zealand far- mers are making increased exertions to meet this increasing- demand: and that they are direct- ing tlieir thoughts not mcrely to t!ie sowing and reaping of crops, but to tlie following out of Farming as an art wliich has ma;iy branches, all of which brandies aro not only mthnately con- nected but of the utmost iir.portanco to caeli ntlier, and are, moreover, so many source- of wealth to eurich the cultivater. In New Zealand, botli amongst t!ie nativf.- and Europeans, t!ie cultivators of tlie ?oil an many, but t!ie class entitled to be considcrcei farmers are very few. T!ie meaning of t!ie word FARM, is a portion of land which is set opart to! cultivation,—not a field or paddock to be un- svstcmati callv cropped. On i tami, t!iere re- quires to be a dwelling house tor t!ic farmer, ami liabitafcions for his men,. together v,-itt; a varh'ty of buildings tor carrving out the business of ti;t 0 *.'•>' farrn. To t!ie farrn-house, a ga,rdcu should bf attaulied. T!;ere should also lie a convenient, substantially enclosed, farin yard in which to stack the crops of wheat, oat?, hay. mid e ther produce. And on ono side of the vard a barn in which to fchrash and thoroughly cleanse Llio grain eith"r by means of a tLr;i:?biiig mafltino or hv | beating it out en a well laid b:u-u fL'rr v.-nh ii:nls. In eiry, convenient. v.-cll ventilated barns. t:;' corn can remain vi'ith p.'rfee'-t see-urity until [i b;- ready tor shipment; ?.nd froni ti;c; offal corn which should be carefully prescrvi-d, t!ic wark- ing oxen or horses mny derlve inucli cf tl;;-i;l food, in addition to that wLh:h ;-;;?'.^ be? g'.-ov.-;; tor tin. ir support, if li.e aui:;ink ae t'.> bo k< ;-t in a condition equal io ti;e v^-ork n'q'-.h'!.'il oi tben3, and if t!r? farrn is to L" e'onr.u'-t- d ia ?< rnaniK-r •so as to enable it to r;-turu T!;O I;!fg<.-;'t amount, of money to tlie propro.tor L'ndi;r a ?ysti'm of farming, t!ic Str;;.v.- is ;.i;; c;u-cfully pre.- ?erved as the corn ; an-J fo-i' tliis; rc;aso':, tli;zfc i; y'ufc up and mixed widi oa.ts, l>arl.°y, or m;i.i/c, it! Siakes escellcut food for ti;c1 \\yorkii);.r c^ti;c, i"o;- y,-homit also f:u'uiahes bc«'lding, ;-iud sub.-cqn'-i;tl;. is into nianuro wliich is on-ipIoJcd i;-1 Nga kai i utaina atu i Akarana i tenei tau, he nui; ahakoa nui kihai i uaa nga kai hoko o tav; a!i i. Tenei tatou! he ai; e pau ana nga kai ia tatou ano, ko te iti o nga kai e kawea ana ki tawahi; mehemea i tino nui te ngaki kai; penei, kanu! :ino te mea mo tawahi, nei ra, e nui Laerc aua te tini o ukuuci Pakeha, koia i pau ai nga kai, i konei ano. Ho mea na matou, tena ranei nga tangata ngaki Pamu te niahara na, be tini nga mea o roho o te ngaki whenua, chara hoki te rgaki v.-hcnua te moa motuhake me te tangata Pamu. He ouou nga tangata Pamu o tenei Motu. '.—i *»/ Te whakamaoritanga o tenei kupu o te 'Pamu' lie whenua e ngalda a;ia, e kore hoki te whenua huru e meinga he Pamu, ekorc ano hoiki te whenua tarutaru haercnga Kau, hipi ranei, e meinga lie Pamu, otira ko te niaara e ngakia ana ki te kai te mea e meinga he Pamu. Ko tenei mea ko te Pamu, ho whare tuna l:ei. nohoanga ino te tangata nona te Pamu, me te whare ano mo ana kai mahi ; me nga whare hei patunga ITIO te vhiti, me te whare hei turanga mo te mira patu '\\Vin, ihe te taepa hei tupuranga Puka. A ko te taepa hei taranga pao nga wha- kapu witi, kia pai to honga; ko 1'L't;^n I tahao taua taepa, z'.\\o ika Vx-lti ko Tetahi taha hei tura- nga r-"io to whare patu. \\vili; ko te whare ine papa a raro, kia pai ai te patu o te v,-l;i. hia kaua e uru atu te paru ki roto ; ki '1.0 mea ka patua to wid ki reto ki tenei tu v\\-hare ; hcaha te takoto roa ai te witi i reira chorc e- pirau chorc e aha ; a ko nga papapa o nga v,'iti hei kai ina te tini o nga Manu ; o nga Kau mahi ano huki ; otira niu mahi ano he kai ma n;::a Kau hei te tarutaru ; kia inu! te kai: r.o te mca"kci tokai te kaha e maia ai [te mahi.. Kite'i u e a a..u h.;i-..; KB matua uka tia te Pamu. te mahi tika tenei kia hua te moni o n?:a mea o te l\\nr; u : I:o nga kakau o te' v,-iti ckorc c raaurnaua ; ka whakarahua aua kakau mviti ki te Oti ino te- lle-i uiareke, hei kai ma nga .Hoiho me nga Kau: a koni;a kakau ckorc c kahika c ralou, hapai ano l;ei \\vhakar^o:nona ; ',vhcnua ; ko-tc takatakaliauga c ralou, 'ir.a reira ka ;pai hei •whakaruouicua. Na kite ngea ka paipa- ;'.\\gia te v, nohoanga mo nga hoiho mo nga Kau ; ka ii^i ia :-at;;"i te v^hakaruo'ai; na, a :i:a ;e v.-;^"!^iu;';^.;i;;. hai;pu ai. reh;;i o Io Pahu. : i\\.hc S-.ahnrehc; vha^^.iicino;ia e kore hoki e rea ;a1 •'.vheren;.!;i ai ce L'.,-:;ia. ii;a hok;. Lc ^ai;^i : ,r...i., i ro':'.,-!.! ai in''i<-,''a ; c toru Tau i ^.'^:i:-:;a ai, ;:'l;':-, K!;:.^L h;.;''i he \\v'h:'"k;n--;^.ioz^ ; i^'''au ; .;>at^<.^iii;a •^OO l^-.e ^>.».'..\\.. i-^'.. \\'.-^ riia ..'i ^--;a i ->.'•'. ika ouou lia •rc te I.Uv,.da ihe tepu u i:^;; Tau 1.3^ I Tauc riwai ngote : koia I mehua ai uicl wiiaka- jinomonatla kihai i ha-';' Ir-: K.hvai o t v.ia Pa:n-,i I Tc';ahl pai o te P;.;-a'i, he iip-i no te kai :"no nga iHeUici. tikaokao, mo te Pipip1, -E-!IO tG Parera, n-;o | ae Poaka ano hoki ; ko r-ga kai -mo ratou, ko rga
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. (4) TE KAREKE MAORI. fertilising and strengthening the soil. With a | good stock yard, plenty of straw and convenient feeding cribs, the farmer will not want for ma- nure. With a sufficiency of manure the land maybe turned to any account; but without manure no husbandry, even upon the richest soil, can long continue to be profitable. As an instance how quickly fertile land is exhausted by successive cropping without the application of manure, we may mention a reputed fact, that this year a piece of land, which had been three years planted with potatoes, yielded but from 140 to 150 tons of poor diminutive roots, whilst the same land, three years since, returned about 800 tons of large and excellent potatoes. Around a barn there is always a large quantity of food. which would otherwise go to waste, with which to fatten pigs and poultry—and as these an greatly in demand and high in price, it will well repay the native land owners to breed them and feed them in large numbers. Much has been written in the pages of the 'Maori Messenger' to induce the native people to set about the establishing of dairy husbandry, without which no farm can be complete. The prices realised by the sale of butter, cheese, eggs, bacon, and salt pork ought surely to prove a sufficient in- ducement for them to prosecute a branch of in- dustry from which such liberal returns are de- rived.. New Zealand is as yet but beginning to en- ter upon that race of productive industry and commercial enterprise in which Australia and Tasmania have been for many years en- gaged. As New Zealand possesses an immense superiority in climate and soil; as she enjoy? facilities of water communication not to be sur- passed; as her native people are shrewd, intel ligent, and enterprising; it behoves them to study and to profit by the events which the dis- covery of gold. and the constant and immense influx of population which gold is attracting to the surrounding colonies, are occasioning. It is with this view that we tell them they must cease to merely cultivate;—they must com- mence to farm their lands. To do this efficiently they must proceed by system; and once they have entered upon that course and discovered the great and manifold advantages to be derived from it, we can have no fear for the rapid in crease of individual prosperity, and the un- shaken career of New Zealand's progress. The New Zealand tribes are rich in the abun- dance of fine and fertile, but waste lands. BUT of what benefit is that land until the hand of in- dustry and the money of the capitalist are em- ployed to reclaim it? The tribes have yet to learn that one acre well farmed is worth a score of acres but half reclaimed. The very principle of farming is to make bad land good; to restrain the operations within reasonable boundaries, rather than to distract and enfeeble them by ex- Witi ngahoro i te patunga Witi; me nga mea ngahoro ite taataringa; kite mea kahore he Tikaokao o te Pamu, ka maumau nga witi nga- horo; a ko tenei mea ko te Heihei; e nui ana te utu ki te taone, koia matou i meatu ai kia kaha te whangai manu, kaua ite heihei anake, otia i nga manu Pakeha katoa. Tetahi mea ano o te Pamu, he Pata, he Heki, he Poaka whakapoa; heaha ranei te Maori te kite ai, he kai utu nui enei kai; a kia mahi ratou i aua kai nei. Kahore ano nga tangata o tenei whenua i mahi noa; ko Tawahi kua mahi noake i enei mea; a ko nga ako tonu tenei o te Nupepa nei omua iho; he whenua pai a Nuitireni. he wahi atahua te wa ngaki kai; he Iwi mohio te Maori; he tini noatu ona pai i o Tawahi; nakonei matou i mea ai e oho koia pea ki te mahara, kia kaha te mahi Pamu; no te mea he tini nga Pakeha o tawahi hei hoko i o koutou kai e ngaki ai, ahakoa mano tini nga kai, e pau katoa. Ko te take hoki tenei i meatu ai matou me ngaki a Pakeha te whenua kaua e ngakia a Maoritia me Parau kia pai ai te oneone kia nui ai te mara; kite mea, ianei ka timataria te nga i Pakeha; kokonei koutou te kite ai, ka whiwhi koutou ite taonga; penei ka rangona tenei whe- nua, he whenua kai nui, ekore hoki ''te kono iti o Mahore e kitea; "ko te whataroa o Manaia'' anake ano te haere ana." He nui noatu te whenua pai a koutou a te Maori; otira be whenua kiano i ngakia, hei aha te whenua Huru, Ngaherehere i korerotia ai, kia ngakia; kia kainga ona kai, ka meinga he whe- nua; he iwi whai rawa te Maori he kaha kore ki te mahi i tana taonga ite whenua koia i noho mokai tonu ai. Ahakoa, nui noa te Pamu, ki te mea ka ngakia mangeretia, ekore e kite i te moni; tena ko te Pamu ngaki tika; kei aia rawa ano te moni; ehara hoki te mea, na te nui Pamu kei reira te nui moni; kahore, ko te mahi ngaki tika ite mara, kei reira te moni. Ka ngakia kinotia te Pamu he maumau whenua he maumau mahia tena ko te ahuwhenua ngaki tika ite whenua, koia te tino ritenge o te kupu Pamu. E whakapai ana matou ki nga Mira kua oti te hanga e nga Maori kei tawhiti tenei mahi a ratou; a mehemea, e meana etahi o nga tangata whai
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. TE KARERE MAORI. tending them over a large and ill managed space. The one method is farming—the other is but crop raising. The natives have expended a very large amount of money in building Flour Mills; and it is undoubtedly greatly to their credit that they have done so. But, it would also be well if some of the wealthy among them were to direct their thoughts to the establishing of farms upon the best system of European Husbandry. The money which it would cost to erect a mill, might be quite as beneficially expended in engaging the assistance of a practical farmer competent to instruct them in the best system of culture: of one or more capable of pointing out the neces- sity and the method of manuring land:-—of the rotation of crops;—of laying land in meadow;— or in fallow; of draining and irrigating;—of rearing and breeding cattle;—of managing sheep and fattening cattle;—of the means of creating and conducting a farming establishment:-—and of rendering themselves not only opulent, but of surrounding themselves with all those comforts and enjoyments which have long rendered the English Farmers amongst the most remarkable and enviable men in Europe. Let our native readers ponder these things. Their interests aro ours. We desire to see them in a position to load a dozen ships with their produce of next year, for one that they have been able to till this year. The season to speed the plough has arrived. It is a most favourable season; and the industrious will do well to profit by it: remembering that" by the sweat of his brow man shall eat bread"; and that ''The hand of the diligent maketh rich." CORRESPONDENCE Kaipara, April 2, 1855. FRIEND GOVERNOR WYNYARD, Salutations to you, great is my regard for you, I the Wheinga am now here, the head of Kaipara, I am a man who am looking to good, to peace, to sins forgiven, (peace being made with the Natives who joined Heke) and love to Euro- peans and love to Natives is all one, this is the reason for my writing to you because you are soon to be lost to us, I wish to come and see you. so that when you go, and wo remain, I shall have seen our Head, the Honor of the Queen this is this first time I have writen to any Governor. Friend go to England, to the Queen, and mention my name to her, it is the Wheinga, I am an old man, of the old days (the author of this letter is a Native Priest, hence he means by old days' that he is one of the primitive savage Natives), I have seen the evil things of the old times, go thou the Honor of the Queen to the spring from whence comes all our good, tell the moni; kia mahia e ratou a ratou Pamu, ki te tikanga, mahi a te Pakeha, ka pai pu ano matou. Penei ki te utua e ratou tetahi Pakeha hei ako ite Maori, ki nga mahi Pamu; ara, ku nga mahi enei; kite whakamomona ite whenua, ki te mahi Pamu karaehe hei kai mo nga Hipi, kite keri awa awa wai, ki te mahi tika i te witi i ona mara- ma e tupu pai ai, kite Whangia Hipi, Kau, Hohio, Poaka, Heihei, me nga mea katoa o tene; i mea o te Pamu; kia matau ai nga Maori ki nga mea katoa, i nui ai nga Pakeha Pamu o Ingarangi. Kia matau koutou ki enei kupu, whiriwhiria e koutou enei korero; he ako hoki tenei, ko kou- tou ko te Pakeha he iwi kia hi; mo tatou enei pai e rapua nei; na ki te maia koutou penei ka kitea te moni ia koutou; a ka waiho ko koutou hei uta ano i a koutou witi ki tawahi; tena takoutou wahi e nga Maori kia puta, kia tae rawa ake ki te patunga witi o tenei Tau; ka tomo ia koutou nga kaipuke nui ia koutou ano. Kua puta hoki te wa e meinga ai e te Pepeha Pakeha "Tena kia ngahau te Parau;" ina ano e meana te kupu "Kia heke te kawawa i te rae o te tangata ka kai aia i te taro;" a ko te ringaringa o to Ahuwhenua, ka whiwhi ite taonga. TUHITUHINGA. Kaipara, Aperira 2, 1855. E HOA E TE KAWANA WINIATA, Teaara kokoe, kanui toku aroha atu kia koe; ko ahau tenei, ko te puru o Kaipara, ko te Weinga, he tangata titiro ahau, no te pai te humarie, no te murunga hara, ko te aroha o te Pakeha, ko te aroha o te Tangata Maori, ko tahi ano. Koia ahau imea ai, kia mihi ahau kia koe, no te mea, ka ngaro atu koe ia Matou. E haere atu ana ahau kia kite ia koe, ma tau haere atu, mo ta matou noho iho. Ahakoa kua kite ahau i to matou Tumuaki, i te mana o Kuini, ka tahi ano ahau ka tuhi tuhi atu ke te tenei tangata ki te Kawana, e mara haere ki Ingarani, kia te Kuini; ka ako atu i taku ingoa; ia te Wheinga, he kaumatua ahau no mua; kua ki te ahau i nga mea he o mua; ko tenei e te mana o Kuini, haere ki te Puna o nga mea pai mo matou; korero tia atu e koe kia Kuini e pai ana matou ki nga Kawana; i pai matou ki akoe, no to atawhai ki nga Maori, no te atawhakahaere i nga he o matou maori, kia mutu ai te ngangare.
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. (6) TE KARERE MAORI. Queen we love all governors, and we love you because you are gentle to us Natives, and because you are so cautions, and settle all our disputes so much to the satisfaction of Natives, you make all wrong to cease, this is my song, my song of sor- row for you. SONG. Blow thou wind, blow on my skin; I cannot see the stars of Heaven? My regret is great, the World is going. Many ask for my affection, how Can I give it? Return all of you Out of my sight, I cannot consent For fear. He whom I love is here He arrived when all was cut. (in confusion) I did the wrong, but he had others To think of, it was small, but Thy coming has made us great Thy hand has done it, return.. Thou sacred, and live. From us two TE WHEINGA, of Kaipara, HAIMONA, Hauraki. And all the Ngatiwhatua Tribe. To His Excellency, Governor Wynyard, &c., &c., &c. Maketu, May 28, 1855. FRIEND GOVERNOR WYNYARD, Salutation to you great is my love to you all; friend go, go to your Home (farewell). Friend I thank you for you love and protection which was great and strong to me. Friend this is the end of my sorrow to you, I sing of Love. I will not eat everyday food Give me tears that I may weep. For Love. Shew yourself Governor Wynyard At the Gate, and let us gaze On your noble appearance For Love. Friend farewell to you all, yourself and child- ren. Farewell O Friend Farewell. This is all from your Loving Friend. HAUPAPA, Of Maketu. To His Excellency, Governor Wynyard, &c., &c., &c. Kaipara, May 16th, 1855. FRIEND GOVERNOR WYNYARD, Salutations to you, we have heard that you are going to England, hence I wish to speak my sorrow to you, to our Father who has guarded us,, some time since Governor Hobson arrived, and we saw him, we also saw Governor Fitzroy, we liked these Governors, because all Governors, are of the Queen. Governor Grey we saw much of Governor Grey was a good Governor, we often came to see him, and his words are with us now also your words which you spoke to me when 1 Ko toka Waiata tenei, ha Waiata Poroporoaki ki a koe. E pa e te hau, e kai ki tuku kiri. To ata kitea atu te whetu o te Rangi. Ka manginoa au; heoi te ao rere. Kahua ito poai ra, kai raru ai, Tona te tangata te hihiri atu nei; Te hoki atu koe Kiwaho na, ite ro ro. Kahore te kakoa i te wehi o te patu. Te Korou tu mai no te whakatakere. Rokohanga mai ka taia rawatia. Naku i hoe atu, he rau puna ngahuru. He pononga; erangi to haerenga mai. To ringa i whatoro. Hoki tapu ka noho i. Hoiano ta matou, Waiata ka mutu. Na maua NA TE WHEINGA, o Kaipara,- NA HAIMONA, Hauraki, na Ngatiwhatua katoa. Maketu, Mei 28, 1855. E HOA E TE KAWANA WINIATA, Tena re ko koe, nui atu toku aroha ki a koutou; E hoa, haere ra, haere ra e huki ki tou Whenua. E hoa e whakawetai ana ahau kia koe,. mo to aroha atawhai kaha rawa, ki a hau. E hoa ko te mutunga tenei o taku mihi aroha ki a koe, whakahua te mihi aroha. Kore au o kai maori, Honu ra he roimata, Hai tangi ra i, mahia nawa. Tu mai Kawana Winiata, I te Keti o te whare, whakakaunipo mai, Kia hau ra i, ma hia nawa. E hoa, tenara koutou ko tamariki. Haere, e hoa haere ra heoti ano. Na to hoa aroha. NA TE HAUPAPA. No Maketu. Kaipara Mei 16, I855. E HOA E KAWANA WINIATA, Tena ra ko koe, Kua rongo matou, e hoki ana koe ki Ingarangi; koia ahau i mea ai, kia mihi atu ahau ki a koe, ki to matou Matua kai tiaki. I mua, ka tae mai a Kawana Hopihana; ka kite matou i aia; i kite ano hoki matou, ia Kawana Pitiroi; i pai matou ki enei Kawana; no te mea no Kuini huki nga Kawana. Ko Kawana, Kerei ta matou i kiti kiti ai; he Kawana pai a Kawana Kerei, i hoki hoki mai matou kia kite i aia; ko ana korero, kei a matou. Me o korero
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THE MAORI MESSENGER TE KARERE MAORI. was with you shall bo kept by us, these words shall protect us. Friend the Govenor do you hearken, the cause of the Ngatewhatua now telling you their sorrow (for your leaving them) is because you took us into your arms and protected us from the Waikato Tribes—go the Governor to the Queen, go our kind Father, our protector you are the man, who has put down all Native lighting, you have saved man from death, we will protect the Europeans when you are gone because you protect us—this is all from your child. From HAIMONA, Hauraki, of the Ngatiwhatua Tribe . Orakei, April 28 th, 1853. FRIEND THE GOVERNOR, Salutations to you. This is my speech to you on account of my love for you, now that you are about to return to your own country. Go O' Father the parent of the Maori people, you have made this land quite and very great, you have nourished the people, you have saved them When yon are gone. who will adjust matters for us perhaps there will be an end of the good which existed when you were here, perchance when you have sailed away, the straightness between Euro- peans and Natives will be disturbed, nevertheless the matters will rest upon the elders of Auckland as regards the Maori people. I have seen your goodness, it has not been ex- periened by me only, but by all the people. Go 0 Father to our other Parent Governor Grey, this is a farewell to you from us the men of Wa- iohau Go then, but do not forget the Maori people our love for you is very great, as it was for Govenor Grey. As for the Europeans who ".•-^'.•3 in A-ii'-kl:i'.iJ, \\vo h,r.'o a n'i;ard also fur i1!";;!. ''•-.'•.'.• ucsh'e 5s the 1-hiropoans and t.he Nat,ive- .'-^•••;i'ld 'i.'c one, accor;Jing to the one faith in our Lord Jesus C hrist. Speak to Mr. S}-monds that he moy liavc the same regard tor us that Major Nugenfc had, this is our farewell to you, go and may the Lord be with you. From you loving friend, WIREMU HOPIIIONA. To Govcrnor Wynyard. ———o——— THE N'ATIYE FEUD AT TARANAKL (' Coni' i mi'!.•(!.) Hone P»,ophia then spoke,—Mr. lia,ise did you' send for tho Governor, good is evident, evil is known, thc!-o is one food, potatoes, another is ti:e Kumera. I see the Governor is here, Govcrnor hence t.he evil, you -^-ere not ignorant of It. !• say tlicre are now two things to take up, good and evil. WceJs are t.ikr-n up from the Kumera to let it grovr;, even so evll is t^l:cn up to allo\\v ;ino lioki i korero ai t;itou. i t;iku kitcn-:a i akoe ; le;i v/aii.o enei korer«', Iioi ti;.,ki i;i ni"ti.;i. K Ho;i e rv;invati;', k'-.L ranu:.» ui;ii. koe, to mea i. mihi ai Ngatiwhatua ki a koa, nau hoki matou i awhi, te patua ai matou e Waikato. Uaere c kawana kia Kuini, liacrc c to matou kai tiaki nau hoki nga whawhai o Waikato i puru, kaora to tangata Ko matou ka tiaki ite Pakeha i muri >a koe, no te mea nau matou i tiaki. IIoiano na to tamaiti, NA HAIMONA, H-turaki, o Ngatiwhatua. Orakcl, Aperira 28, 1855. H nOA E TE KAWANA, Tona ra ko koe ; Tenei ano taku korero kia koe, mo toku aroha mou, ka hacre na koe, ka hoki ki tou kainga ; hacrc ra e Pa, e te matua o nga iwi Maori ; nan i whakanui tenei whenua, kanui ; nau i atawhai nga tangata, kaora; Ika mahue nei .;i, koe mawa! ra note tikanga i muri ia koe; heoi ino pea te painga i a Ikoc e noho ana i konei; ka •mahure atu pea koe, ka rerc Ike nga tikanga o te avi, Pakeha rau;i ko te iwi M'-iori : lieaha koa, ma nga ^kaumatua, o Akarana te whakaaro ki nga O 'iwi Maori o Nui Tireni. Kua kitea e ahau tou pai, e hara ite mea, e ahau anake ; otirae nga iwi katoa. Haore ra c Pa, ki tera oku matua kia .<awana Kerei. He poroporoaki tenei na matou kia koe, na nga tangata o te Waioliua ; haerc ra, kei ware ware koe kia matou, ki nga, iwi Maori, ko matou kei te aroha tonu ki'i koe ; ara kia korua ^ahi ko Kawana Kcrei; me nga Pakeha e noho ana i Akarana kia aroha tonu kia matou, me m;itou kia aroha tonu kia ratou. Ko taku e hiahia nei kia whakakotahitia nga iwi Pakeha raua ko uha iwi Maori. i runga i te whakapono ko tahi, ki to tatou Ariki kia Ihu Karaiti, kia korero hoki koe kia I\\apene Haimona, kia rite tana ata whai kia matou, kia pera me to te "Nui tana" Meiha. Ko te mutunga tenei o ta matou poroporoaki kia koe. Hacrc, kia haere tahi te Atua ia koe. Na tou boa aroha, NA WIREMU HOPIHONA TE WHAWHA O NGA TANGATA MAORI I TARANAKI. (Ko te roanyama't o tenei korero.) Ka whakatika a Hone Roplha i konei ka mea, K Hare nau a te Kawana, i mea kia haerc mai, e tu nei te pai, e roatauria ana te kino, erua kai nei he Riwai he Kumara, e kite ana ahau ia Kawana e tu nei. Nei o Kawana te he, kahorc koe to kuwarc,cmcana ahau eruamea e haubakca [e tatou, ko te Pai, ko te Kino, e tangohia ana
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THE MAORI MESSENGER (8) TE KARERE MAORI. good to grow. Evil was drawn up by the root and died, it was lost: but there was one root good. (Rawiri grew, and so it went on. No one allows the Taro to grow with potatoes, nor do they let the corn grow with potatoes, were it BO this would be a wonder. The Word of God gave good, our old ways did not give peace. Religion and land selling came together, this is the good and the evil. We lived in religion and selling land; we gave one part of the land to you, the other we retained. Religion came with the laws of the Queen. The laws and religion go together. Where there is evil, the laws of the Queen are spoken of. Oar clothing and our cattle are the fruits of the Queen. Religion and its good things we retain. This our quarrel is no ordinary evil, it did not come at once. He sold land and thereby quarrelled, some sold, and others went to keep it back, some went to let it loose, others came to retain it, hence our evil. Now I come to the origin of this evil which will not end, we asked for something to get satisfac- tion for Rawiri, and received nothing: then was the evil begun. Hupurona and Wiremu Kingi wished to retain the land. I went to the evil; Mr. McLean said the evil should cease. Had we got payment on the day Rawiri was killed. then peace would have been made. We waited for death, they met but did not kill each other. We went to Wiremu Kingi, and Hapurona, but they did not appear; had they done so, we should have fought, and then all would have been finished. Rawiri's death has not been paid for. They said. let it thus be, let the men of the quarrel be the only men to fight." This is also what I say. Ihara said. had he but taught one man thus it would have been right. We (Tamata Waka and Raniera) are the men who hold death from us. we consent to what the Governor says, if the two consent, we will; if these two consent for peace, (pointing to two natives,) and the two in the pah (Karipa and Haeana) all will be done. There is no pay- ment. hence the consent beings withheld. You the Governor, go and speak with Wiremu Kingi lest he make the death more, go and ask all the men to make peace, and let all unconcerned sit still, and not meddle with the quarrel. If the Ngatiruanui are oa the road, go you O Gover- nor and tell them to make peace; I do not say our quarrel is great, the great quarrel is for the adultery. I will not allow any strangers to drink the water of the Waiwakaeho River until I cease to be. Now shall we come into day light. I see the Governor, he is here. Let him go to all men and make them sit still, and leave me alone to my evil; if this had been done be- fore, then evil would have ceased, how can peace be made; there may be in future an evil, and wo shall be cut off. Canoes are not saved by themselves; vessels the same. Man is not kept from cold but by a break wind; we asked for nga taru o te Kumara, kia tupu ai te Kumara, whaihoki, e tangohia ana te kino kia tupu ai te pai, i hutia te kino, a mate ana ngaro noa iho, kotahi paiaka i pai tupu aua a pai ana, ko Rawiri; kahore e tupu tahi te taro Maori i te Riwai, kahore ano hoki e tupu tahi te Kanga i te Riwai, kite mea ka tupu tahi enei mea ka miharotia. Na te kupu o te Atua te pai, kahore he hua pai io amatou mahi o mua, i haere tahi mai te Karakia Whakapono me te hoko Whenua, koia nei te pai me te kino, i noho matou i roto i te Karakia me te hoko Whenua, i hoatu etahi wahi o te Whenua, i puritia tetahi wahi, i haere mai te Karakia, me nga ture o te Kuini, e haere tahi ana hoki enei mea, ko te wahi e he ana, ko reira ka korerotia nga tu e o Kuini, na Kuini a matou kakahu me a matou mea katoa, ko nga mea o te Whakapono e paingia ana e matou, e whakamana ana e matou, e hara ite he iti to matou e whawhai nei, e hara e mea no naianai, kua roa ke tenei he, na matou te hoko Whenua, na konei te whawhai, na etahi i hoko, na etahi i pupuri, nakonei te he, ka ko- rerotia tenei he e ahau, ekore te he nei e mutu, i tono atu matou ki etahi mea hei rapu utu mo Rawiri, kihai i homai, ka timata ikonei te he, na Hapurona raua ko Wiremu Kingi te Whenua i pupuri, i haere ahau ki te he ka mea ate Maka- rini kia mutu te he nei, mei ea te mate o Rawhi i te ra i hinga ai aia, kua mau ano i reira te rongo, ka tatari matou kia mate, haere atu ana matou, ka tutaki kihai i mate, haere atu matou kia Hapurona raua ko Wiremu Kingi, kihai ratou i puta mai, mei puta mai kua whawhai matou, a kua hihinga, kua oti ano i reira. Kiano i ea te mate o Rawiri, ka karanga mai ratou kia peneitia "ko te tangata no ratou te he, koia anake kite whawhai" e penei ana hoki ahau, mei rongo te mea kotahi ia Iharaira. kua pai, ko maua ko te Waka nga tangata, hei arai ite he nei, te pa mai ai te mate nei kia tatou, e whakaae ana maua kia mau te rongo, ki te mea ka whakaae a te Haeana raua ko Karipa, ka oti ka mau te rongo, kahore ano he utu koia te whakaae ai. Haere e Kawana kia Wiremu Kingi, meinga atu, kia noho marire aia, kei kino rawa te he nei i aia, haere ki nga tangata katoa meinga atu kia houhia te rongo, ko te tangata ke atu, kia noho marire, kaua ratou e pa mai kite whawhai nei. Tenie Ngatiruanui kei te haere mai, haere koe e Kawana, meinga atu kia ratou kaua ratou e haere mai e whawhai. Kahore au te mea he whawhai kino ta matou whawhai, te whawhai nei i kino rawa ai mo te Puremu; ekore e inu te tangata i te wai o te awa o Waewakaeho, a kia mate ra ano ahau, katahi ano to tauhou ka inu i te wai o taua awa. Katahi ka puta aku kupu ki te marama, ko Kawana tenei, koia kia haere ki nga tangata katoa kia noho marire ratou, kia waiho u ki
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. TE KARERE MAORI. something to save us before Rawiri was dead; but you did not give it. The evil is not with us. if the others who are in the pah consent, well. peace will then be made. 1 consent to peace being made, but I am only one; if the Ngati- ruanui stay away, then peace will bo made, but it they come, evil will be, if they come, and we go out to meet them, evil will be. This is all I have to say. The Governor in continuation, repeated his concern that the blessings surrounding the in- habitants of Taranaki should be jeopardised by this unhappy strife. As a father uses his Iove and influence to correct and guide his children, so he would use his influence (he trusted suc cessfully) to bring about a happier state of things here. The Natives may have oxen in plenty, they may have ploughs, and as they imagine every want may be supplied. The sun may shine, the rain may fall; but if the land was neglected in order to follow strife, barren- ness must ensue, and great would be their sor- row when too late. In days long gone by, the English were like them, but as such darkness leads to confusion, the necessity of laws wen formed to maintain good order and unanimity. this they mast adopt, if they want to flourish and prosper as the English have done. They seem anxious to live in peace with the white people, and the white people are disposed to en- courage them so to do. This quarrel is with the Natives, and if persevered in may (and no doubt will) end in serious evil, and being the case, each good man (he repeated) should join with the Government in this good work of recon- ciliation.' To put an end to this strife they should leave it in the hands of the Government as good children would, in the hands of their father. Their honour would there bo safe, and by adhering to his recommendation for the general good, they would not only bo acting as good children, but as good christians. If peace (said the Governor) can be made, let it be made at once, before the evil grows worse, and before others can come from afar, so that when they come, they may find amongst the Taranaki people, peace and feasting, not strife and fight ing. As regards the supply of arms, the Queen encourages no quarrels but with Foreign foes. She sanctions no internal feuds amongst her children, these she assists to ploughs, horses, mills. &c., and only to the soldiers, and those employed as such, does she furnish powder, balls, and guns. The conference here ended. On Wednesday, the 28th March, His Excel lency had an interview with Tahana, (an asses- sor), who stated that one cause of the present quarrel arose from native disputes about land; from this came the loss of life. Since then Katatore has given up the point, that is as far as allowing the boundary lines to be cut to a certain spot, which, however. appear not to be taku kino, mei peneitia i te timatanga kua oti ke mo te kino nei. Me pehea te rongo e mau ai, he he pea ki muri ake nei, a ko matou te mate rawa, ekore e ora te waka i aia ake ano mo te kaipuke ano hoki, ekore te tangata e mahana noa, ma te whakaruru hau aia e ora ai, i tona mea atu matou hei whakaora ia matou ia Rawiri ano e ora ana, a kihai i homai o koutou, kahoro he take o te he nei ia matou, tena ke nga tangata e mau ai te kino nei kei te Pa ki te whakaae ratou, katahi ano te rongo ka mau. E whakaae ana ahau kia mau te rongo, otiia he tangata kotahi ahau, ki te noho atu Ngatirua- nui ka mau te rongo, ki te haere mai he kino kei muri, ka tutataki matou kia ratou ka hihinga, hoi ano aku korero. Ka mea ano a te Kawana mau mau nga kai o te whenua pai nei kia whakamahuetia e te wha- whai, mau mau nga kai pai o Taranaki kia kaua e ngakia i noho kai kore ai te tangata; he rawa te whawhai nei, mana rawa ano te whenua mo- mona e whaka whetengi, Ko te aroha I te matua hei tiaki, hei arahi i mo tamariki whai hoki ko tenei e hoa ma ku taku aroha, nana ahau i kawe mai hei whakaora ia koutou, he rapu taka kia mau te rongo, kia noho pai koutou i konei, ahakoa he Parau a kou- tou, he Okiia he aha, he aha i whiwhi koutou, ki nga mea pai katoa, aha koa whiti te ra, ahakoa ua te ua, ko te Whenua ra tena. kihai i ngakia, me aha e tupu ai he kai i reira; ka mahuetia te ngaki o te kai, e nui takoutou tangi i te kai kore. i mua he iwi penei matou Pakeha me koutou nei, na te he i roto ia matou, koia i rapua ai te Ture hei pana i te Pouri, i te He, i te Raruraru kia noho marire ai te iwi, na mehemea e hiahia ana koutou ki te noho pai, me tauira koutou ki te Pa- keha ko te tauira ra tenei, ku to rongo ki nga ture o Kuini Wikitoria. E ki na koutou ho aroha ta koutou ki te Pakeha me ratou hoki kia koutou, a e pai ana te Pakeha kia noho pai ia koutou he whawhai Maori tenei, ki te mea ka roa te ngaugare nei he he kei muri mo koutou, koia ahau i mea ui me mahi tahi ma- tou ko nga tangata hiahia ki te pai, kia wawe ai te noho pai, akonei. Te mea e mutu tata ai te mea nei me tuku mai e koutou kia Kawana, mana e mahi koia hei Matua, ko koutou hei Tamariki, kite mea ka whakarite te ngangau a Tamariki e o ratou Matua ake, ka mutu tata te he, penei ekore e he tetahi, ko te mahi tenei ma te hunga Karakia whaka- pono. Heaha te rongo te man ai inaianei nei ano, inahoki ka kino haere te he, ite mea kiano i taemai nga tangata o tawhiti ki te whakanui i takoutou mate, [tae rawa mai, kua noho pai akonei a Taranaki, ko te whawhai kua kahore, ko te noho marire kua whakanui ite kii mo te tokomaha:
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. (10) TE KARERE MAORI. satisfactory—the aggrieved natives requiring blood for blood. Subsequently a fight took place, where six of Katatore's people were wounded. Katatore was told that if they had been killed peace would have been made,of which he replied. I am ready for peace it is for you the aggrieved party to propose it and i will agree. At first it was proposed that Katatore should retire from the neighbourhood altogether to Kawhia: this he replied was all very well if he himself was only concerned, but he would not carry his people from this land of plants to a place where he and they would bo as slaves. As it. now stands, the native's who are here (at the Hua ) should they not agree to act as the Governor wishes, will defer to the will of- Adam Karaka, who is expected on Tuesday. His wishes. if they agree with the Governor's. will be acted upon readily and at once. Tahana agreed to all that had been said and added that should the Natives not accede at once to the proposal of the Governor, he was not to be cast down, hut to persevere in his good work, and in the end all would be right. On the afternoon of the same day, His Excel- lency held an interview with William King at the Waitaha he opened the meeting by observ ing that he came in consequence of having heard in Auckland of the evil which existed in the! Taranaki district, and hearing much of the good thoughts of William King, and his good feeling towards the Europeans, he rode over to the Waitaha to hear what he might have to say. William King observed, that it is good for peace to be made. He had no particular re- mark to offer, it is not for him to offer terms of peace; it must come from Tamata Waka and others of that tribe. Peace is good and cultiva tion is good; he does not wish to live in strife; his on! v war is cultivation as much as the Europeans can consume. The European may cultivate the land he has got, and he would cultivate the land he has not sold. I would not, ho said, dictate to you O Governor, nor would I wish to be disobedient, for the Scriptures say " obey the Governor. Magistrates and Ministers," and he added " I will obey them all." I have no wish to be heard or make myself great before you, O Governor. He then wished to know how many months the Governor would remain, because lie wished for the peace to be made for ever, and if required. he would go with the Governor and send the Ngatiruanui's back; that would be good, and more he would lay down his gun, it would be put in his house, and he would go to work with- out it. Governor ask the other Natives to do the same, and this will be good for all; his word he said was the word of Katatore, and Katatore's word was his—they had met in the morning. Ko te pu e kore e homai e Kuini te pu mo te tokomaha, mo te Hoia anake tera mea te pu, ekore a Kuini o pai kai whawhai iho ano ana Tamariki kia ratou whakatamariki o Kuini. Tenei te whawhai e whakaao ai a Kuini, ko te whawhai o nga tau iwi tangata ke ki aia, ko reira a Kuini ka mau ki te patu, otiia ko nga Hoia hei whawhai; ko to mano o to iwi he ngaki kia ta ratou, ka mutu ikonei te korero o te hunga nei kia Kawana I te weneti, 28 o Maehe ka korero a Tahana (he Kai whakawa Maori aia) ki te Kawana, ko Tahana i mea, he whenua te take i whawhai ai a Taranaki na konei te patunga tangata no muringa iho o te hihi nga tanga ka whakaae a Katatore kia para te rohe otaiia kihai nga tangata o Rawiri i whakaae ki tenei, ki ta ratou he toto, ano, te u'u mo te toto, muringa iho ano, ka maranga te whawhai ka tu nga tangata o Katatore toko ono, ka ro re ikonei te kupu kia Katatore mei mato etahi o to hunga. toko ono penei kua mau te rongo, ka mea maia Katatore. E pai ana kia mau te rongo, ma te hunga i to •mate e take mei nga mea e mau ai te rongo, he ae kau atu taku. - I meinga kia haere a Katatore ki Kawhia noho ai, ki hai aia i pai, no te mea ekore ana tangata e tae, mehe mea ano hoki na tana kotahi anake to he, tena na ana Tangata katoa ekore ratou e tae ki te kainga kai kore, ki reira noho tutua ai. Ko tenei ki te mea ekore nga tangata o Rawiri e noho ana ite Hue e whakaae ki ta Kawana kupu, me waiho ma Arama Karaka e mahi, kei te haere mai aia i mea a Tahana, ki te wkakaae ratou ki to Arama, ka oti tata, a ka mea ano a Tahana kaua koe e Kawana e pouri mahi tonu, tena pea te pai kei muri. No te awatea o taua ra ka haere a Kawana ki Wai taha kia kite ia Wiremu Kingi, ka mea atu a Kawana, he rongo nona i Akarana ki te wha- whai o Taranaki koia i haere mai ai kia rongo aia i nga kupu o Wiremu Kingi, he tangata rongo hoki aia, no tana pai ki te Pakeha. - Ka mea a Wiremu Kingi he pai kia mau te rongo, kahore ia ana korero mauranga rongo. Me ahu mai ia te Waka roa te korero e mau ai te rongo, he mea pai te noho maria, he mea pai te ngaki kai, kahore aku pai whawhai, hoiano taku whainga he ngaki nui ite kai mo te Pakeha. Ma te Pakeha e ngaki te whenua kua hokona eia. a maku ano e ngaki te whenua i toe mai ki au. Kahore ahau e maia atu kia koe e Kawana, kahore ahau e ako iakoe; e kore ano hoki ahau e turi, ki te akona ahau; no te mea e me aua nga Karaipiture " kia rongo ki nga Kawana me nga Kaiwhakawa me nga Minita; a koauau tena ka whakarongo ahau kia koutou katoa. Kahore aku whakaputa ki a koe, e Kawana; kahore aku whakanui i au, ki to aroara, ka ui a Wiremu Kingi, ko ahea koe te hoki ai ki raro, e
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. (11) TE KARERE MAORI. Katatore would obey the good word of the Go- vernor and have peace. His Excellency on his return from the Wai- taha visited the widow of Rawiri at the Hua Pah, whom he requested to wait on him at Tara- naki on the 30th; he held a further conference with Tamati Waka and other chiefs there present, when on the morning of the 29th a young chief belonging to Rawiri's people called upon His Excellency and said, hearken was for peace, and sug- gested that Katatore should be induced to sell the block of land about which the dispute arose. (which was the cause of Rawiri's death) and he proceeds given to Rawiri's people. Another young chief of W. King's pah stated to His Excellency that on passing through Rawiri's Pah on the evening of the 28th the people there in- formed him that they had seat the Governor away, at the same time giving the Governor to understand that they would not make peace. Tahana also on the 28th informed the Go vernor that death of Rawiri was occasioned as follows:-—Rawiri set some wheat on laud belonging to Katatore's tribe, who burnt the wheat. Rawiri was so incensed with this, that they went to cut the line across the Mangoraka creek. Katatore not allowing the land to be sold, being an equal claimant with Rawiri. Rawiri persisting in his determination was shot. The Government and Mr. Cooper had nothing to do with Rawiri's death; further he said that the tribes and natives round this district wished to preserve peace, save four Chiefs of Rawiri's Pah:-—Karipa, Haena, Ihairara, Reihana, and that this statement he was prepared to sign, when Tamata Waka seemed disposed to object to the peaceable settlement of the existing feud, and Karipa and Haeana strongly opposed all arrangements proposed by His Excellency. On Friday the 30th inst., Ruka, the widow of Rawiri waited on His Excellency, when hav- ing ascertained that her distress at having to pay the funeral expenses of her husband, had been r -"->•',-'' ' " -'' , •-. -T-:' •• •f tlie amount, he : .- - •••-.. .••-• ; •- . • , -:.'" should appear • . • . . ... : ' ..i ai; wished to hear ' •• '' -• -".., i. \\\_> ^?»<. Reka replicd, great is wy love tor Rawiri ; I wish to die afccr liim; I do not wi:?ll tor myself Oi- childrcn to live : who shall keep thciu y Rawiri is calling us to follow him. I am urging the men to seek payment. I cannot consent to peace, because I sliall be e-allcd wrong. Rawiri, bcfore he d';cd sa^d, do not seek for payment for my death ; bnt in the Hospital requestt;d guns to be given to his childi'en. Ki;ta- t-»re must die, for his is the crirne. I know how to think for myself, as well as Rawiri thought for himself. I have heard many speeches. His Excellency rep'i'd—My object in speak- ing tu you now is to lift you up. I cannot re- kawana te mea i uta ai kia m;»u te rongo, a me !iacre taaua hei wliakahoki i Ngatiruanui; lie mea pai ano, kia waiho «ku Pu ki te whare ; kia ngaki noaiho matou ko uku t:uigata ko nga pu ki te whare. Otiia, e Kawana ; mau e moata kia penei ano hoki nga Maori katoa he mea pai tene-«i rno nga iwi katua, ko taku kupu ko ta Katatorekupu ; ko taua Ikapu. i penei me taku, kua kit»; aliau i aia i teata uri, ka, whakaao a Is.atatore ki te kapu pai a Kawana,; ka mau te rongo. •: ho taua ra ano : ka kite a Kawana ite Pouara •"» Rawiri ite H:ia; ka nieatu, kia hae-re mai ki to Taona,lkla kits i aia; korero ana a to Waka inaki a Kawana ratou ko nga tangita o te Hua, ka mutu hoki ana a Kawana ki te Taone. No te 29, ka haerc mai t'-'tahi o nga tangata o te Hua kia Kaivana, ka mea. e pai ana aia kia mau te rongo, ko Katatorc me whakaae kia hokon-a te whenua, ko nga utu ki nga Tangata o Rawari. ^— ^^ '—^ Ka korero ano tetahi o nga tang-ita o Wircn"ri Xingi kia Kawana ka m?a, no to 2'^ aia i hncrc mai ai i te Hua, a i mea nga tangata o reira,, kua, atiatia a Kawana e ratou, a ckore e mau te ronga. Y Ka mea a te Ta,hana kia Kawana, ko nga t;;kc i mate-ai a R;wiri, koia tenei, kia kororotia e aha1.!. he ngakinga na tatahi o tora kia Katatorc ; ruta an:i e Rawiri, ana witi ki taua ngakinga. \_ ' k\_r ia- Tena e tupu taua v>-iti, tahuna ana e Katatore ma ; na konei ka tingia te v,-hukatal';'.riri o Ra^:iri, koia a Rawiri i haerc ai ki te pira i te rohe i Ma- ngoraka na nito'a tahi hoki t.aua •wlioi^.ua Iwa i mate ai, he tohe na Rawiri ki te hoko i taua wahi ko Katatore ki te purn, kaliore I;e he o te Kawanatanga, k;;horc ano koki he lie o te Kupa i mate ui a Rav,'iri. Ka mea ano a te Tahana ; ko to tdk"ni:'lia o rea, tangata o Tarunaki, e ni"ana kia I'."nh'a te ro:i?;" ; tokowha raw;i. ar.o ei' he aua ki te kh.o ; kei te Pao R;.wiri era, ko K:ir'ipa, ko nae;;.^:;, ko Hia- rhira,ko Inei!: a i; •i, h»' ]'^!i'.1 sa'.vi ;m'i I:'.:vre- i:hi ; na K;iripa r;iu;i I:.) te \\ [:isr A a tr W&l:a, tc m:iu tono ai, ki te rongo kia nau. No te paraire. te AO ; i l.aere mai ai a Pioka, te Pouaru o R;iwir', k';a kite ia Kawana, ka mea a Kawana Ikapai kia utu;i e Kuini te K;'.'.vl'.ena ma nga me"i mo Rawir';, a kia korero a Hoka ki aia. Ka mea a Roka, he nui taku aroba k"ia h;r.viri ; e p:u nna alinu kia mate; l<ahorc aku eai kia or;i in.ina ko aku t;;ma;'iki mawa! matou e t;ai;! ; k-'i ta karunga mai a Piawiri kia aru atu i aia ;, koaliau e ine atu ana ki nga t^n'-ru.^ kia rapua he utu *— ^ *• u.ona. Ekorc e taka, l;'a wli;.k;iae ;'.liau, l;?a n'au te rongo ; ka wl'i;ik;^'ongia ahau, k;i moa a Bav.-h-i, kia kaua e ra,pna, L^ uiu in' il;l;;» k-i tat:' i.^; -:'.'te ka iix.'a ano, ki:i hoi^;n ?ic Ihi mo ana, JL'^inar'.l'.^ kia ngate a Katatore ; K;ina tioki to tiaka. E matau an'i ahau ^'i te«;aaro ; :r.o ilawiri nana ano anawl;ak-.aro ; kua ror,g.: aLau ki o te tokomaha korero.
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. (12) TE KARERE MAORI. turn to you your husband; yet on the part of the Queen, I can keep you from any subordinate position. If you have sufficient influence to urge the continuance of strife, that influence should be used to secure peace. I thought the word of a. dying Chief was always held sacred, and Ra- wiri wished you not to seek revenge. I feel for you as a widow, and Mr. Symonds is instructed to furnish you with clothing for yourself and children. [It appealing hopeless in her present state of mind to secure her support, she was allowed tu depart and procure the clothes she might require for herself and children.] On the afternoon of the same day, his Excel- lency visited Katatore's pah, when his Excel- lency stated that he had heard of the evil exist- ing in this Province, and which was the cause of his now coming here. His Excellency now expected Katatore to speak his mind, and to give his reasons, if any, why peace might not be established. Katatore replied— Good, O Governor, very good. You are coming to make peace. I have no terms of peace to offer. It is not for me to make terms of peace since I am the man of evil; I did the deed; it is for Haeana and Karipa to make terms of peace. Mine is a great evil, hut I think it was iust. I offered. the land to Rawiri that he might go and get the money for it, but not to sell the land on the other side of Mango- raka. The land I gave him was not his alone, we had an equal share in it. I gave it to him; to save us all from death. He would not hearken, but said, " Where is death to be seen, since Katatore has spoken of it for many years?'' Riwiri went to the land, and would cut the line across the Mangaroka. I met him, and I shot him. I did not kill him without giving him previous warning. I sent him a gun of my own to shoot me with. He was my own brother. 1 do not wish all our laud to be sold. His Excellency said—Can you see any reason why you should not give the land on which, and for which Rawiri fell, unconditionally to the Queen, to enable me to commence peace-making? I ask this, because as long as you hold the laud, you will always fight about it. Katatore replied—If we give up this land to you, will you, or can you make peace? His Excellency said—Leave that to me. If you give it up, I will try to make peace. You are the man who must first give something upon which I may try to make peace. [Here Katatore with the end of his spear marked out on the ground a sketch of the boun- darys of the land, naming the line as he went on, for his peoples information] He then put the question to his people, who were all assembled in the pah, " Do you consent Ka meatu a Kawana; taku e rapu nei, he oha Iki akoe, e kore a Rawiri e taea te whaka hokimai, otiia ma te mana o Kuini koe e tiaki; ki te mea he kupu nau i mau tonu ai te whawhia nei; penei ma to kupu ano ka mutu ai; ka moa rapea ahau he kupu tapu, te kupu poroaki a te Rangatira; a i mea a Rawiri, kia kaua e rapua he utu mona, e pouri ana ahau nou e noho pouaru na, ma te Haimona e hoatu he kakahu ma o Tamariki. I taua ra ano ka haere a Kawana ki te Pa o Katatore, ka meatu a Kawana, be rongo nana ki te whawhai i Taranaki, koia i haere mai ai; a mehemea he kupu ta Katatore, me whaki, kia rongo a Kawana i te take ekore ai, e mau te rongo. Ka ki a Katatore; koia kau e Kawana, koia kau, i haere mai koe, ki te hohou ite rongo; kahore aku kupu mo tera; ekore e tika kia ahu atu iau te hohou rongo; naku hoki te hara; naku te mahi; ma te Haeana ma Karipa, te kupu mo te pai, e mau ai te rongo; he he nui taku; oti ra i tika i tukua te whenua e ahau kia Rawiri, kia hokono mana nga moni; otira kia kaua e hokona katoa tia te whenua i tera taha o Mangoraka. Ehara i aia anake te whenua no matou tahi; i tukua ai e ahau, kia ora ai matou; kahore a Ra- whi i whakarongo, ka mea mai aia "koahea te mate te kitea ai, ina nomua tena kupu a Katatore haere ana Rawiri kite para ite rohe ki tera taha o Mangoraka; ka haere atu ahau, a puhia ana. Kihai i puhia wawetia eahau i roa taku korero- tanga. Ko taku Pu i hoatu kia kawea mana; hei pupuhi tera iau, he tuakana a Rawiri ki au, ka- hore au te pai kia hokona katoatia o matou whenua. Ka meatu a Kawana heaha te mea te homai noa ai kia Kuini te wahi i hinga ai, te whenua i mate ai a Rawiri; hei take houhanga rongo; maku e mahi, te mea i tono atu ai ahau; ka mau tonu te whawhai nei, ina mau te whenua ia koutou. Ka ki a Katatore, ki te mea ka tukua, atu tera ranei e mau te rongo ia koe. Ka mea a Kawana, waiho tena ki au, mau e Katatore te mea e homai hei timatatanga mo te rongo kia mau. Ka mau a Katatore ki tona tao ka haehaea kite marae o te Pa; te ahua o nga rohe o te whenua, ka tohu tohu kia ratou; ka meatu ki nga tangata, e whakaae ana koutou ki;; tukua ma Kuini te wahi i hinga ai, te whenua i mate ai a Rawiri? Ka
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. (13) TE KARERE MAORI. to give the land to the Governor on which Ra- wiri died?" They, with one voice, said " Yes." Katatore—Do you give it unreservedly to the Governor? They all replied, Yes Katatore—For ever and ever? Yes. Katatore, addressing his Excellency, said— Governor, take your land:- it is no longer mine, but yours. Now do what appears best, and I will listen and look on. His Excellency said—This is the first gift I ask from you, Do not be surprised when I come again and ask. Your crop is not ripe—this I have got is only one of the potatoes taken from the ground, and it is small. I may ask some of the better potatoes when I have eaten this. Katatore then replied—Do your work, you know best. Then the conference ended. On his Excellency's returning, he met Tahana, " an assessor," when Tahana said—Governor, have you heard that Arama Karaka is coming. He says he is coming to tell the people of the Hutt to sit still, and all other tribes to do the same; that he is only going to send some man to the spot where Ra- wiri was killed; that this man alone was to live there, and that for a time. Also, the Ngati- ruanui are coming to fence in the graves of the dead, and then to return. This is very good; I think this is for peace. ———0——— COMMERCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE. As it is of the utmost importance that the native producers should be kept fully informed not merely of the market prices, but of the market transactions, we shall direct our attention in future to the compilation of a monthly paper, showing the number and character of vessels arriving from and departing for foreign ports; specifying the general nature of their inward cargoes, and distinctly setting forth the quantity of New Zealand produce shipped, and the ports to which it may be exported. We shall, likewise, give a statement of the amount and description of produce brought coast- wise into Auckland, and we shall accompany that statement with such remarks as shall from time to time be required, so that the native farmers may not only be fully aware of the actual state of trade, but induced to carry on their farming operations with that energy and spirit which shall enable them to become individually wealthy, as well as individually instrumental in promoting the general progress and prosperity of New Zealand. But, before we proceed further, there is one point in connection with the market prices, as mea katoa ratou Ae. Ka tukua rawatia kia Kawana? Ae. ake ake? Ae. Ka meatu a Katatore, kia Kawana; e Kawana tena to whenua, hoi ki au mau te whenua; e mahi koe i tau e pai ai, a hoi ti tiro hei whaka- rongo kau maku. Ka mea a Kawana ka tahi ano ahau ka tono ki a koe, ko taku tono matamua tenei, meake ano ahau ka tono ano ki a koe; kei oho koe ina tono mai ano ahau Iki a koe; he riwai tipako tenei kua riro mai nei i au, a he ngote tenei no to mara; a ka pau tenei i au ka toro ano taku ringa ki te tahi riwai ano o to ngakinga. Ka mea a Katatore, e mahi koe i tau e pai ai, e matau ana hoki koe. Ka mutu i konei to korero kia Katatore ma. No te hokinga mai ka tutaki a Te Tahana (kai whakawa Maori) kia te Kawana, ka mea a Tahana, kua rongo koe e Kawana kei te haeremai a Arama Karaka; e mea ana hoki aia ko te haere mai a Arama ko te ki ki nga tangata o te Hua kia noha marire, me nga iwi katoa kia penei ano hoki; a he kotahi tangata e tonoa e Arama ki te wahi i mate ai a Rawiri; kia noho taua tangata kotahi nei e reira a koia anake; a ka roa kau iho ano i reira, ka hoki mai. Kei te haere mai Ngatirua- nui, ki te taepa i nga urupa o nga tupapaku, a ka hoki ai ratou; e pai ana tenei, ko te pai pea mei te ahua. NGA KORERO O TE HOKOHOKO MO TE MARAMA O HUNE. Te mea i tuhi tuhia ai tenei korero; he mea kia matau ai nga kai ngaki Maori, i te utu mo nga kai katoa, otira, kia rongo ano hoki, i nga mea katoa, o tenei mea o te Hokohoko. Mo nga Marama katoa e takoto ake nei, ka tuhi tuhia he korero mo ia Marama, mo ia Marama, nga kaipuke u mai me nga utanga o runga; a me whakaatu ano nga mea o tenei whenua i utaina atu ikonei ki tawahi. A me tuhituhi ano nga mea katoa, kua utaina mai o nga taha tika e o tatou kaipuke nonohi; a, ko nga utu me nga tikanga o aua mea, me tuhituhi e matou; kia ngahau ai te mahi a nga kai mahi Pamu o te Maori; kia hua ai he moni kia ratou.; a kia kaha ai ratou te whakanui i tenei whenua; ko te whakanui tenei; ko te ngaki i te kai, kia rangona ai tenei whenua, he whenua kai.
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THE MAORI Mfc;SSKN-GER. TE KARERE MAORI. published, to which it is neceisary we should direcfc the attention of t!ie native growcrs. In all countries, there is a d"ifferenec between the prices durived by the grower, and those obtained by the sellers of produce. The corn grower and the corn dealer are two pcrfectly distinct persnns. Both of them must live by their respective occupations. The growcr con- veys his produee to market; and the corn dealer, or mi!ler, at once becomes its purchaser, in order that he may supply the wants of the community. But, to enable him to do this, be must purchase at a pricc that will leave him a profifc, with which to pay tor his own house, stores, food, and general expenditure. Or, again, in the case of the mer- cbant, who ships cargoes to foreign ports, he roust buy at a price that will enable him to pay the ship that conveys the produce, the expenses incurred by shipping it in Auckland, and landing it in Sydney or Melbourne, and remuneration to the foreign merchant who sells for his advantage. In BO country are corn growers and corn dealers of one and the same occupation. It would be to the!r loss if they were so. And hence it is that the native grower receives a lcsser price for hia produce than that published in the market lists. Of this difference, we are told our native friends complain, but fcheir objection is a groundless one The European farmer is placed in precisdy the same position : and the profifc of the dealer is as much a matter of cost to be calculated, as the expense of ploughing the land, or earting or boating the grain to market. The supplies derlved by vessels trorn Great Britain and the neighbouring Colonies, consist ofgeneral cargoes of merchandize. During the month of June there arrived two ships of 1132 tons, fully laden, and with 58 passencers trorn London. Seven vessels of 1435 tons, with general cargoes, and 66 passengers from Sydney. Four vessels of 705 tons, and 104 passengers, from Melbourne; and one of 36 tons, with 9 passengers, trorn IIobartTown. During that period there sailed for Sydney four vessels of 1024 tons, laden with 8836 bushels of wheat, 128 tons potatoes, 10 tons flax, 48 bags onions, 64 hides, 22 casks sperm oil, 23 bales wool, 1 bundle sheep skins, 3 e-wfc pumpkin?, and 31 passengers. Two vessels of 307 tons, also sailed tor Melbourne, with 250 tons potatoe.s 850 bushels wheat, 10 tons onions, 3 tons flax. 2 coils rope, and 11 passengcrs. And a brig of, 280 tons, also departcd with a general cargo frought by her from Sydney, and 10 tons of potatoes shipped here for Honolulu. The imporfcs coastwise into Auckland, exclu- sive of the supplies conveyed by native canoes and overland, amounted during the month of June to 5420 bushels wheat, 1038 bushels maize, 158 tons potatoes, 1 ton onions, 1 ton pumpkins, 73 head of cattle, 29 pigs, 7 horses, 27 fowls, 6 tur- kevs. 5000 Ibs. salt pork, 1120 Ibs. bacon and Ko nga utu mo nga mea katoa, e taia ana ki ;e Nupepa nui i nga IMarania katoa ; e rere ke 1. 1 O * »ua tera i tenei, he utu Taone era, tena ko tenei Lie whakaaatu tenei i to te ln-ko t':kanga. I.nga wvhenua katoa o tawahi, he utu ano to te kai nga- ki, ana hokona ana mea; he uta ano to tokai hoko o ana mea. E rcrc ke ana nga t tikanga o te ngaki, i to te kai hoko; te take e ngaki ai te tan- gata ite kai, he mea kea ora ai aia, i te moni i te Ika! ano hoki; whai hoki te tikanga o te kai hoko, he pera ano; he hoko tana hei whakaranea moni mana ; kia ora ai aia. Ka utaina mai nga witi a nga kai ngaki ki e Taone hoko ai; a ka hokona o <— ' o ona kai hoko, oti ra, e kore e taea te whakanui e te kai hoko ana utu e hoatu a,i ki nga kai ngaki, no te mea ka hurihia aua wati ki te mira; koe tahi o nga utu mo tana mahi; a ko tetahi, hei utu mo tana whare, a ko te tahi utu hei hoko kai ano mona. Tetahi tikanga lioko, koia nei: ka utaina nga kai ranei, taonga ranei, ki tawahi ; ko nga utu i te hokonga ai e te tangata mana e ata ki tawahi, kia iti te utu ; no te mea, he uta tana i te kaipuke e kawea ai; he utu mo te kai uta i aua mea; koia nga utu e tenei mea O te hoko i iti ai; Nakonei i iti ai te utu ki nga kai ngaki Maori; a ko nga'utu hoko hoko o Akarana, e kore e rite ki o nga kainga tawhiti he nui hoki te utu ki Akarana he iti ki nga kainga Maorl, no te mea, ka hacre atu te kai hoko ki tawhiti kei tana hokonga i te witi rlwai ranei, nga utu mona i hacreai aea ki tawhiti hoko ai; koi* nga utu o te hokohoko e taia ana ki tenei pukapuka, i mei- nga ai, e kore e pera te ma o ^gn atu ki n :'. ^'. nga Maori. me o nga u".i o i ••••• Tai:o ^- »—• He «mu amu ta nga M:<. .';-"- 'a: i-'•:••': '-••'. '' -• - e meinga ana hoki lie lio ; oi;ra, k •J. ui;n.;'>-'-, u penei ana nga ut,u ki nga kai ngaki Pakeha, n;c nga utu k;a koutou, kahore he rcre ke o te tahi, o te tahi; Nga mea i utaina mai i tawahi ki tenei whenua ite marama o Hune, eraa nga Kaipuke, he taonga nga utanga 58 nga Pakeha i ike m:u mo konei; E whitu Kaipuke i rera mai i Poihakena ki tenei whenua ; he ta :nga nga utanga, 66 nga Pakaha eke mai mo konei. A e wha kaipuke no Merepana 104 nga Pakeha i eke mai mo konei.
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THE MAORI MESSENGER. (15) TE KARERE MAORI. hams, 530 Ibs. lard, 50 1 s. honey, 1 keg butter, 7 tons 6 casks and 00 gallons sperm oil, I tun and 23 casks black oil, 15 tons flax, ½ ton kauri gum, 300 feet house blocks, 2000 palings, 10, 000 laths, 5115 posts and rails, 183, 160 feet sawn timber, 140, 000 shingles, 407 tons firewood. and 10 bales wool Having in mind that New Zealand has but barley entered upon that career of productive industry and commercial enterprise which she has it in her power so largely and so richly to command, the results we have shown are so far satisfactory. But they are immensely short of what can and must be done if New Zealand is to become great. This year, exportation has been greatly restricted tor want of the means oi supply, and because of the large requirements of food for our own population. It is to be hoped that our farmers, both Native and Euro- pean, will strain every nerve to increase their produce. For one bushel of wheat which we are now able to part with, we should be in a posi- tion to ship a thousand: so also with maize, oats barley, onions, pumpkins, pigs, pork, fowls, tur- keys, eggs, butter, cheese, honey, bacon, flax, and other commodities which, with the increasing population of Australia cannot fail to be in in- creasing demand, and at prices certain to enrich the industrious cultivator. Horse and cattle sales have been frequent during the month of June, and the prices that have. been obtained, ought to offer a sufficient inducement, to the native farmers to turn their attention to the rearing and breeding of a supe- rior description of stock:—There were two sales at Otahuhu on the 5th and 6th of June. At the first Mr. Mc Gauran sold a lot of 20 fat beasts at an aver- age of £17 per head. Horses sold at from £26 to £60 according to the description. Mr. Newman, like wise sold a considerable number of cattle: Heifer; averaged about £8 a head, cows £13, oxen £16 and calves £4 10s.; 155 ewes fetched 20s.; another lot of 140 brought 25s., and another of 94, fetched 35s. per head. Horses fit for the cart and plough are still in demand, and realise very high prices Two mares recently imported from Sydney, in the William Denny, steam-ship, fetched £85 and £145 respectively. In the Melbourne market wheat, flour, maize oats, potatoes, and all kinds of produce are in demand, and prices continue to advance. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. July 5, 1855.—ARRIVALS. "Duke of Portland," from London. "Susan," from Opotiki. DEPARTURES. "St. Lawrence," for St. Francisco. "Kestrel," for Sydney. "Sally Brass," for Matakana. "Napi," for Matakana. "Antelope," for the East Coast. "Raven " for Wangaroa. I tana marama ka rere atu i konei ki Poiha- kena 4 kaipuke, 8836 puhera Witi, 128 tana Rei- wai, 10 tana Muka, 48 poke Aniana, 3 hanare- weti Paukena, 31 Pakeha i eke atu ki tawahi. E rua Kaipuke i rere atu i konei, ki Merepena; 250 tana Riwai, 850 puhera Witi, 10 tana Ania- na, 3 tana Muka. 11. Pakeha i eke atu ki ta- wahi. A kotahi kaipuke i rere atu i konei ki Honoruru IO tana riwai i utaina ki aia. Nga mea i utaina mai ki Akarana e o tatou kaipuke aonohi; haunga nga mea o nga waka maori; no te marama o Hune, 6620 puhera o Witi, 1388 puhera Kanga, 158 tana Riwai, 1 tana Aniana, 1 tana Paukena, 73 nga Kau, 58 Poaka, 7 Hoiho, 27 Heihei, 6 Pipipi, 9480 pauna Poaka tote, 50 pauna Honi, 15 tona Muka, ½ tana Kapia, 300 pou Whare, 2000 Taepa, 5115 pou Taepa, 133, 160 putu Rakau Kaui, 130, 000 Toetoe, 470 taua Wahie. Ka tahi ano tenei whenua ka mahi ite kai; otira, mehemea Ire hiahia to tatou kia rangona te nui o tenei whenua e te Ao katoa; kei te nui o te kai o konei te rangona ai; he whenua pai tenei, ma te kaha mahi, ka hua te kai; i he ai tatou he iti no te mahi witi, a e kainga ana e tatou; mo; na te ouou i pau ai i tatou; mehemea pea, e manawa nuitia ana te ngaki o te Witi, Kanga, Oti, Pare, Paukena, me nga mea katoa; ko reira te whai moni ai te hunga ahuwhenua ki te ngaki. He nui ano hoki te utu mo te Kau me te Hoiho; heaha ranei te whakatupu ai te maori i enei mea; ina hoki te utu mo te kau momona, i te marama o Hune, 17 pauna mo te kau kotahi, a mo te Hoi- ho, he kuri ano i iti he kuri i nui 60 mo te kuri pai, mo te Kau whakatete waiu 13 pauna, mo te kuwao uha, 8 pauna, mo te Hipi 25 hereni mo te kuri kotahi. He Hoiho to Kata me te Hoiho to Parau, e nui ana te utu mo tenei tu kuri; he Hoiho ano 85 pauna, he Hoiho ano 145 pauna; he kuri uta hou mai enei no tawahi. E nui ana te utu o te witi me te Parao, Kanga, Oti, Riwai, me nga kai katoa ki tawahi. NGA KAIPUKE. Hurai 5, 1855.—PUKE u HOU MAI. "Tuku o Potorana," no Ranana. "Huhana," no Opotlki. PUKU RERE ATU. "Heta Rorenaha," ko Hana Panahiko. "Ketara," ko Poihakena. -Hari Paraehe," ko Matakana. "Napi," ko Matakana. i "Atiropa," ko te Rawhiti. "Rewana," ko Whangaroa.
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