Te Karere o Poneke 1857-1858: Volume 1, Number 16: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.1 Terms of subscription and advertising [in English]
From the Editor requesting correspondence be addressed to Te Pura [James Buller].
From Wiremu Toniki warning of arrest for theft from his business.
[Advertisements and Notices]
From Te Miti & Rewana advertising stud services.
From Te Waharei mā (Worsley & Co.) seeking to buy flax fibre and sheep wool.
From Wiremu Rakiwhata (Wm. Luxford) concerning a mare and foal, found.
From Te Poura mā (Wm. Bowler, Son & Co.) and Tuati, Kinirohi mā (Stuart, Kinross & Co.) wishing to buy gold.
From Tākana (R. J. Duncan) concerning travel costs for the steamer Wonga Wonga.
p.2 The beginning of the year 1858
Editorial discussion of the newspaper's desire to continue publication to bring knowledge to its readership. Continues the analogy from the last issue of the newspaper of a Maori canoe with its cargo of knowledge.
A flood
Notice about the Heretaunga flooding, in which 14 Pakeha drowned and many crops and livestock were lost.
pp.2-4 Letters to the Editor
From H.W.Taratoa
Discussion in favour of Maori learning the English language to gain knowledge of Pakeha custom. Censures Maori who only pursue Pakeha practices for the purpose of acquiring money and goods rather than for the goodness of their souls. Places blame for Maori misunderstanding Pakeha customs on their not knowing the English language.
From Wāta Kūkūtai
Disputes the benefit for Maori of investing money in savings banks. Proposes that Maori will gain more from education and God.
From Parakaia Te Pouepa, Ōtaki
Address to Wī Hapi Te Rāwhāritua and Wī Tako in support of education and Christianity, but disputing the benefit to Maori of land sales. Discusses the effects of selling land at Rangitīkei to Governor Grey and McLean and urges against repeating the practice with Governor Gore-Brown.
From Hōhepa Ngāpaki, Waikanae
Expresses concern about the outcome of Pakeha settlement with an outline of the arrival of British governance, gold mining, potatoes and corn.
From Wiremu Te Wairangatira, Rangitīkei
Quotes James 1:27 to pursue peace.
From Tamaiti Wiremu Tamahua, Aorere
Address to all the people of Pōneke, notifying the gathering of 100 people of Ngāti Toa at Tukurua for Christmas.
Address to the newspaper, that the contributor has no money but can contribute food goods.
From Īnia Riwa Te Tua, Ōhara
Declares the authority over the land is with Queen Victoria and advises his Maori friends to respect the opinions of Pakeha.
From Naera Te Angiangi
Death notice for Anikanara with a waiata aroha [elegy].
From Tīmoti Taha, Waikawa
Appeals to his compatriots to look amongst themselves for someone to guide them.
From Wēpiha Rimunui, Ngāti Whakatere
Likens those living in ignorance to a huhu [beetle larva] which, curled up inside a piece of wood, does not see or experience anything beyond it.
p.4 Market prices
Current market prices for foodstuffs and produce.
Notice from the Editor informing the aggregate weight of bushels required by the flourmills.