Te Karere o Poneke 1857-1858: Volume 1, Number 1: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.1 Notices
From Hēmi Puta of the appropriate places to dig graves.
From Te Tokingi (J. H. Docking) with a reward for evidence about the death of his foal.
From Wiremu Toniki warning of arrest for theft from his business.
From Te Poura mā (Wm. Bowler, Son & Co.) and Tuati, Kinirohi mā (Stuart, Kinross & Co.) wishing to buy gold.
From Tākana (R. J. Duncan) of the departure of the steamer Wonga Wonga.
From Petune and Hanita (Bethune & Hunter) of the departure of the ship Erena.
From Poihipi, Whareroa, requesting a subscription to the newspaper to learn the ways of the Pakeha.
From Tāmati Wiremu of the intended marriage of Te Wera and Hemaima Pēkamu.
Death notice of Hēmi Te Whiro of Pipitea.
p.2 The land
Editorial discussion of the importance of land to Maori in pre-European times in comparison to the value for contemporary Maori; mentions Maori deities.
Discussion of the acceptance by Maori of Pakeha goods and practices, and the changes Pakeha have made to the landscape, and of the land's value after the settlement of Pakeha.
Request for the newspaper's Maori readership to communicate their opinions regarding current issues.
pp.2-3 Letters to the Editor
From Rīwai Te Ahu, Waikanae
Summary of the layouts adopted by previous newspapers from Auckland, and their contents.
Supports the good intentions of Governor George Grey and compassionate Pakeha.
Discussion of Governor [Gore]-Browne's designation of land for schools and cemeteries and his involvement in land claims in the Waikato.
Discussion of the newspaper's intention to publish notices regarding births, deaths, and marriages, government proclamations and reports, details about escapees, and current market prices.
Quotes Wī Tako Ngātata-i-te-rangi's request for Maori to abandon the practice of engaging in large feasts after funeral services.
Comments on the worth of gold at Whakatū [Nelson], and the battle between Hapuka and Moananui.
Requests the Maori readership to contribute their opinions to the newspaper.
The Editor compliments Rīwai Te Ahu on his adherence to Pakeha practices and his appreciation of their associated benefits.
From Mātene Te Whiwhi, Ōtaki
Discussion of the benefits of peaceful settlement, with reference to Arapawa, Pōneke, and the Wairarapa district.
From Te Wirihana, Whareroa
Requests the newspaper be printed in Maori only.
From Wī Parata, Waikanae
Expression of support for the newspaper, and the benefits of marketing wheat to the settlement of Waikanae.
pp.3-4 The death of Tāhana Aoāniwaniwa
Obituary from Tāmati Wiremu for Tāhana Aoāniwaniwa of Ngāti Haumia, Te Aro. Submits a commentary of the events that lead up to his death. Quotes Tāhana Aoāniwaniwa's final words to his people and a waiata.
Publication of Tāhana's eulogy to Mohi Tirahoki.
p.4 Hauāuru Te Otatu
Announcement reported from Te Karere Maori of the death of Hauāuru Te Otatu of the Ngāti Pāoa tribal group, at Taupō in the Hauraki district.
A letter from Hōhepa Ngāpaki, Waikanae, criticising the treatment of the people by Waitere Katatore, Te Karamu, Hāpuku and Moananui.
Market prices
Current prices offered by Turiri and Renau for foodstuffs and produce.