Te Karere o Poneke 1857-1858: Volume 1, Number 9: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.1 Terms of subscription and advertising [in English]
From the Editor requesting correspondence be addressed to Te Pura [James Buller].
From Wiremu Toniki warning of arrest for theft from his business.
[Advertisements and Notices]
From Te Miti & Rewana advertising stud services.
From Te Waharei mā (Worsley & Co.) seeking to buy flax fibre and sheep wool.
From Wiremu Rakiwhata (Wm. Luxford) concerning a mare and foal, found.
From Te Poura mā (Wm. Bowler, Son & Co.) and Tuati, Kinirohi mā (Stuart, Kinross & Co.) wishing to buy gold.
From Tākana (R. J. Duncan) of the travel costs for the steamer Wonga Wonga.
p.2 Aorere Gold Diggings
Editorial criticism of the peculiarities perceived to be associated with gold digging, warning the readership that if any of them were `crazy enough to go' they should remain working the land rather than becoming victims of illicit dealings in the gold diggings.
pp.2-4 Letters to the Editor
From Tāmati Wiremu Ūpō, Te Aro, Pōneke
Notice to owners of livestock at Te Aro to brand their property for identification lest it is stolen, with the example of Teira's horse that was taken by Ngāti Ruanui only to be found three years later with Ihikiera's brand on it. Advices that similarly a person's land may be taken if it is not registered on a map. Blames such disparities for altercations at various named places.
Urges adherence to the practices and knowledge of the Pakeha as found in the words of the Scriptures. Praises Mekenehi and Miua [McKenzie and Muir] for their efforts to publish these qualities.
Supports his views with a waiata [song].
From Wiremu Tāmihana Te Neke, Waikanae
Discussion about the use of the native dog in the past in contrast to its habit of worrying livestock in contemporary times.
Praise for the newspaper for informing its readership about the various wars in the land, current market prices and Pakeha practices concerning trade.
Support for Wī Tako Ngātata-i-te-rangi and the raising of Maori children according to Pakeha practices.
From Tame Irihana, Mailman, Pōneke
Address to the inhabitants distant from Pōneke about a charge for cartage of mail sent to the newspaper.
From Wiperahama Pūtiki, Ōtaki
Discussion of the problems faced when the machinery at the flourmill breaks down.
From Te Karere o Maori [Te Karere Maori]
Report of the proceedings of the meeting of Tarawera inhabitants, to meditate peace over Te Ariki at Rotomahana, in the presence of Ministers Parāone [Brown] and Peneha [Spencer]. Details the requests by Ngāti Rangitihi for Tūhourangi's actions to be reflected upon by the committee, with addresses in support of peace and unity from named speakers. Discussion of the conflict between Tūhourangi and Ngāti Rangitihi.
Discussion of the events at a similar meeting involving Tūhourangi and Ngāti Pikiao. Discussion of biblical criticism of familial warring as an age-old habit, with the plea to cease this activity and live by the words of the Bible.
Lists those attesting to this address.
p.4 Market prices
Current prices for foodstuffs and produce.
Notice from the Editor informing of the aggregate weight of bushels required by the flourmills.