Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 1: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.1 Notices and Answers to correspondents
List of names of subscribers and the subscription amounts they have paid.
From the Editor. Concerns contributors' opinions expressed in the newspaper.
p.2 [Letters to the Editor]
From Hargraeves Pūrewa, for the committee of Ngāti Hauā
Explains the outcome of a meeting held on 24 December 1874 to discuss subscriptions to Te Wananga. States that these were settled at ten shillings, and that the paper was given a probationary period in which to prove its worth. Contains metaphoric language. Also states that when a committee has been finalised, the list of subscribers will be sent along with their subscriptions.
[English translation included.]
pp.2-3 From Ēnoka Te Wano
A letter of welcome to Te Wananga. The writer compares Te Wananga to a bright light to which moths are attracted, moths who have become lost and fly around in despair. He quotes from a dream he has had to illustrate his point. Contains metaphoric language and imagery.
[Partial English translation.]
From Paul King, Rangiteremauiri
A letter to the Editor agreeing that the Mātaatua people will pay a subscription for issues of Te Wananga, and noting they have ordered 12 papers a year. Contains reference to some of Te Wananga's recommendations for separate police and magistrates for each tribal area.
Editor replies that the number of papers per year is 24, and that Te Wananga is published twice a month.
pp.3-4 From Hōri Huki
A letter of welcome to Te Wananga. States that when the bow and the stern of the canoe join with the middle, the canoe will be rowed strongly and Maori will become like the European; also criticises a person named Te Aue.
[Partial English translation.]
From Te Aue
A reply to the above letter from Hōri Huki. Disputes that he was in a public house and cautions Huki in his reference to Maori becoming like the European, saying that this will never happen.
pp.4-5 [Brief news items]
Pākōwhai, 31 December 1874
Concerns the horse races that were held over the Christmas and New Year holiday period at Havelock and Pākōwhai.
On Boxing Day at Clive, a local Maori boy won a dancing competition. The report notes that soon Maori will be competing against Europeans in all ways, apart from sporting activities.
Concerns three boys from the Native School at Pākōwhai moving to Napier to take up trade apprenticeships, two as blacksmiths and one as a shoemaker.
[English translation included.]
p.5-7 [Letter to the Editor]
From Kereopa Te Whareauahi and four others
A letter of support for Te Wananga. Contains metaphoric language referring to Te Ika-a-Māui [The fish of Māui, the North Island].
The writers' comment on the law of God as the true law, and also refer to the Treaty of Waitangi which they say stems from Ngā Puhi's own ideas, their parents having told them that this was correct.
States that Charles Davis is the person responsible and consequently Davis plagues the districts of the Te Arawa tribal groups to this day.
Commentary concerning the conference held a Kohimarama. The writers discuss land issues and Charles Davis is referred to as a `Satan lizard' sent to take Maori land for the government and their `wrong tribe'.
The writers agree to choose members for Te Wananga's committee but suggest that it does not consist of all chiefs. They ask that selectors look to the chief within all people.
Remainder of the letter refers to alcohol and its problems for Maori. Contains metaphoric language. [English translation included.]
Editor replies that the letter is not clear in its meaning, that the words suggest that Charles Davis is responsible for the Treaty of Waitangi, a statement that the Editor finds confusing. He suggests that some tribal groups of Te Arawa are responsible for the land sales and not Charles Davis.
Refers also to the final part of the letter and states that Maori alcoholism is not the fault of Europeans, but that the fault lies with Maori desire to sell lands for money which they spend on alcohol.
p.7 [Notices]
From Knight Brothers: Requests orders for grass cutting and wheat harvesting equipment as soon as possible.
p.8 To hop growers: Notifies the writer's experience in cultivating hops. Offers his expertise in this area and asks interested people to contact him through the office of Te Wananga.
Terms of subscriptions
Subscriptions to Te Wananga are ten shillings for one year.
[English translation included.]
Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Te Wananga is printed by Henry Hill and published by Hēnare Tōmoana.