Matariki 1881: Number 1: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.1 Matariki
Editorial explaining the principle of the newspaper as to be an evening star watching and reporting the deeds of the land-hungry.
Advises that Maori who possess crown grants should retain those lands in individual titles rather than place them in trusteeship with a committee, trust or company because the lands will be sold with all their resources.
A new law for trustees
Subtitled: A defence against wrong. Reports an article from the Herald of Gisborne concerning the devastation brought on Maori from misdeeds by trustees of the land. Describes the introduction of legislation regarding succession by a public trust, to land formerly possessed by those who left no will.
p.2 Judgement of the Supreme Court regarding Pouawa
Report of a court case against Te Rīhi [William Lee Rees] and two associates who acted as trustees for the Maori land block known as Pouawa. Case overseen by Judges Te Hīra and Oparaina, and assessor Retireti Tapihana [Tapsell]. Judgement against the defendants with Te Rīhi appealing to the Supreme Court, which supports the Maori Land Court judgement.
p.3 A spider web
Discussion of new legislation for corporatising Maori land, which is described as a Pakeha wrong.
To all the Maori people of this land
Notice of the Supreme Court judgement regarding the case between Tāreha Te Moananui and Te Rīhi [William Lee Rees], concerning Rees charging Tāreha £819 19s 3d as legal costs in relation to land. Judgement made against Rees, who is ordered to repay the amount immediately. Writer requests readers submit names of ethical lawyers.
To our Maori friends of the East Coast
Notice from Panera and Paerana, Gisborne, goods for sale.
The sale of Whataupoko
Notice from H.J.Wiini, lawyer, regarding 12,400 acres of the Whataupoko land block in the district of Gisborne, Poverty Bay, being available for sale.
Notice from H.J.Wiini, lawyer, Gisborne, on behalf of Perihiwa Pāka to Wiremu Rī Rīhi [William Lee Rees], Wiremu Pere and Rīperata Kahutia, that land registered as 13175 is for sale.