Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 20. 01 April 1891 |
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TE HOA MAORI, WITH " I haere mai hoki te Tama a te tangata ki te rapu ki te whakaora i te mea i ngaro. " Ruka 19, 10 " For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. " Luke 19. 10. NAMA 20. AKARANA, APERIRA, 1891. Registered as No. 20. AUCKLAND, APRIL, 1891. a Magazine. "Ka hari te hunga kua oti a ratou mahi tutu te muru, o ratou hara te hipoki. "—Roma 4. 7. "Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. "—Romans 4. 7. TA TE ATUA KUPU. HE maha nga wahi he maha nga huarahi i korero ai te Atua i mua, ara, nga poropiti ki nga matua, i enei ra whakamutunga na tana Tama ana korero ki a tatou. "—Nga Hiperu 1, 1, 2. E te whanau! whakarongo ki taku korero; korero pai, korero nui, ara he korero i runga i nga tikanga o te oranga tonutanga. Nonamata na te Atua i hanga te tangata raua ko te wahine, kahore o raua he, koha, aha ranei. A ka noho raua ki roto i te kianga i homai na te Atua ki a raua. Na ka manaakiti a raua e te Atua, a ka mea te Atua ki a raua, kia tini, kia kapi hoki te whenua i a korua. (Titiro ki a Kenehi 1, 28. ) Engari kihai raua i ata noho, i whai hara raua, katahi ka pana raua e te Atua i waho i to raua kainga. Otira kihai te Atua i pupuri i tona aroha i a raua, kao, nana i kakahuria raua i tetahi kakahu hiako: ka tohutohu hoki ki tetahi patunga tapu murunga hara GOD'S WORD. GOD, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son. "—Hebrews 1. 1, 2. Friends, listen to me. I have somewhat to say about a most important and interesting matter—it is about everlasting life. In the beginning God made a man and a woman. They were perfect; without sin or blemish. They dwelt in a place provided them by God. God blessed them and said, " Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth. " (See Genesis 1. 28. ) But they did not obey God—they sinned. Therefore God drove them out of the garden. Neverthe- less, God did not withhold His love from them. No, He clothed them with skins and pointed them to one who should come. After this man multiplied on the earth, and wickedness increased also. Every
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TE HOA MAORI. mo raua a muri atu. I muri mai ka nui haere te tangata ki te ao, heoi, he kino kau ana te hunga. Kotahi te tangata tika i taua wa. ko Noa tona ingoa; he kaikauwhau i te tika hoki ia. Na, ka whakarongo te hunga ki tana kor- ero ? Kore raws, kore rawa atu. Katahi ka whakatika te Atua ki te whakangaromia te ao. Ka oti. Ka mate nga tangata katoa i te waipuke. Heoi, tokowaru kei te ora, ko Noa ratou ko ona whanaunga ki roto i te aka. Ka whakaaro te Atua ki a Noa ma. Ka whakahokia te wai e te Atua, ka maroke te whenua, ka puta mai a noa ma i roto i te aka. " Na, ka manaakitia a Noa ratou ko ona tamariki e te Atua, a ka mea ia ki a ratou kia hua, kia tini koutou, kia kapi te whenua i a koutou. " (Kenehi 9, 1. ) He kupu tenei pera me ta te Atua kupu ki a Arama raua ko Iwe. Engarira, ka pehea te haere a Noa ma, he pai, he kino ranei ? He kina rawa. Kiahai ratou i whakarongo. Ka tini haere te tangata ki runga i te whenua, ka nui haere hoki te kino. Katahi ka tangohia e te Atua he tangata mona i roto i nga iwi, ko Aperama tona ingoa. Na. ka manaakitea ia ratou ko ona uri e te Atua. Ka noho te Atua ki waeng- anui i te iwi. ka mata nga whakaariki katoa i a Ia. Na te Atua i kawe te iwi ki tetahi whenua pai hei kainga mo ratou. Ka ki atu te Atua ki a ratou, pera ka whakarongo koutou ki taku e mea ana ka noho tuturu koutou kahore e taea o hoa riri ki a koutou. Tera atu te kupu. Otira ka whakarongo ratou ? Kahore rapea. Ahakoa ka tono te Atua nga poropiti ki ratou, ko Mohi. Ko Hohua, Ko Hamuera, Ko Ihaia, ko wai ranei, ki te karanga atu ki a ratou, Tahuri ki te Atua, whakaronga koutou ki a Ia kia ora ai, E te hunga e mate wai ana haere mai ki ahau kia inu; me era atu korero, kihai ratou i whakarongo, kua nui haere o ratou kino. A kua pau katoa nga poropiti i te tonoa otia kihai ratou i whakarongo, he taringa ture ratou. Katahi ka tono te Atua i tona tamaiti i mea ia ka hopohopo ratou ki taku tamaiti. E hoa ma! Titiro ki a Ihu te tangata tapu, tika, koha kore, ara, ko te Tama a te Atua! Ko Ia hoki te kaikorero o te Atua, ina, te kupu i runga ake ra. "I enei ra thought and imagination of the heart was only evil continually. There was then only one righteous man: his name was Noah, and he was a preacher of righteousness. Did the people listen to his preachings ? No, certainly no. Then God determined to des- troy the earth. Every living thing breathing on the earth was destroyed by a flood; There were only eight persons saved in the ark; these were Noah and his wife and family. God remembered Noah and his family and caused the waters to go off the earth; the land became dry and Noah and his family came forth out of the ark again. Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. " (Genesis 9, 1. This was, you see, a blessing like unto the blessing wherewith God blessed Adam and Eve. But with what result ? Did Noah and his family fear God and walk according to His will ? No ! They too failed; and as man increased on the earth so wicked- ness increased also. Then God separated for Himself a man from among the tribes; his name was Abraham. God blessed him and his descend- ants. God dwelt in the midst of the people and destroyed their enemies on every side- God led them into a goodly land and estab- lished them there, and said to them If ye will obey my words ye shall dwell here in safety, and none of your enemies shall pre- vail against you. There were also many other gracious promises which he made unto them. But did they hearken; did they obey ? Again most certainly, No ! Here too man failed. Notwithstanding God sent His prophets to them, whether a Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Isaiah, or whoever it might be saying unto them, Turn unto the-Lord hear and live. '' Ho, every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money: come ye, buy, and eat: yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and with- outprice. " (Isaiah 5 5, 1. ) Many other gra cious promises and messages which He sent unto them, but they did not and would not hear, they departed farther and farther from God. Then God sent His Son, saying, they will reverence my Son. —Mark 10. 11, 6. Friends? Gaze upon Jesus, the sinless, spotless one—The Son of God. He is the
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TE HOA MAORI. whakamutunga na tana Tama ana korero ki a tatou. " (Nga Hiperu, 1, 2. ) Koia tana kupu, " Kei ahua te wairua o te Ariki, nana nei hoki ahua i whakawahi, hei kau- whau i te rongo pai ki te hunga rawakore; kua tonoa mai ahau e ia ki te whakaora i te hunga ngakau maru ki te kauwhau ki nga herehere kia haere noa, ki nga motapo kia titiro, ki te hunga e kurua ana Ha haere noa atu, ki te kauwhau te tau manakohanga mai o te Ariki. " (Ruka 4, 18 19. ) Ehara enei i te kupu pai ki a koe, ara, ki a tatou katou ? Ki te hiahia ana koe ki te whaka- ronga ki te ronga pai koia ko enei te kupu mau. E rapu ana ranei koe te orangatonu- tanga. " He pono, he pono taku o mea atu ki a koutou, meake puta mai te wa, a tenei ano inaianei, e rongo ai nga tupapaku i te reo o ta te Atua Tama: A te hunga e rongo ana ka ora. " (Hoani 5, 21. ) Koia ano Tono reo. '' Ko ia e whaka- pono ana ki au, ahakoa kua mate, e ora ana; e kore ano hoki e mate ake ake ake nga tangata katoa e ora ana. a e whakapono ana ki a au. "—Hoani 11. 25, 26. E rapu ana koe te huarahi ? " Ko ahau te huarahi te pono, me te ora, e kore rawa tetahi tangata e haere ake ki te Matua ki te kore ahau. "—Hoani 14, 6. He rawakore koe, kohore o mahi tika ? E minamina ana koe kia murua o hara ? E horohia ana o tatou hara e nga toto o Ihu Karaiti o tana Tama. "—1. Hoani 1, 7. E rapu ana koe te rangimarie ? " Ko Ia hoki to tatou rangimarie. " (Epiha 2, 14. "No te mea ka mau nei i a ia te rongo i runga i nga toto o tona ripeka. "—Korohe 1, 20. Heoi ano nga kupu ? Kahore. He maha nga kupu ki te karaipeture, tena titiro ki te pukapuka. Tenei ano tetahi. "Kahore hoki he oranga i tetahi ake: kohore he ingoa ke atu i raro o te rangi kua homai ki nga tangata, e ora ai tatou. "—Nga Mahi a Nga Apotoro 4, 12. E hoa ma! Kaua e whakapehapeha to koutou ngakau me ta nga tangata o mua ki te ki, "E kore matou e pai ki tenei hei kiingi mo matou. " (Ruka 19, 14. ) No te mea kua oti te tuhituhi kia tuturi nga turi katoa ki te ingoa o Ihu o nga mea i te rangi, o nga mea i te whenua, o nga mea i raro i te one by whom God is speaking as you see in the word at the commencement, "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son. " Heb. 1, 2. And these are His words. " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, be- cause he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. " Luke 4. 18, 19. Now, are not these precious words to you —to all of us ? If you wish to hear the gospel of the grace of God, this surely is a word to you. So also, " Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into con- demnation, but is passed from death unto life. "\_John 5, 24. These are also His words, " He that believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die. Believest thou this ?"—John 11, 25, 26. Do you wish to know the way ? " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. "—John 14, 6. Are you poor, have you nothing to give ? Do you however wish your sins for- given? " The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. "—1. John 1, 7. Do you seek peace ? " He is our peace. " (Eph. 2, 14. ) He made peace through the blood of His cross. —Col. 1, 20. Do you say, is this the only word ? My answer is, No. There are many more in the scriptures. Search and see. Here is one, "There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. "—Acts 4, 12. Friends, do not boast yourselves like those of old who said " We will not have this man to reign over us. " (Luke 19, 14. ) Be- cause it is written, " That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth: and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father. " (Phill. 2, 10, 11. ) There-
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TE HOA MAORI. whenua; kia whakaae ano hoki nga arero katoa ko Ihu Karaiti te Ariki, hei whaka- kororiatanga mo te Atua Matua. (Titiro ki a Piripai 2, 10, 11. ) Hei reira ehara i te mea pai rawa kia tuturi o turi inaianei i te ra manakohia mai ? Ka tatari ranei koe ki taua ra ka tu ai koe ki te aroaro o te torona ma ? Maori koutou, kahore he oranga mo koutou ki reira pera ka whakarere ai koutou inaianei i tenei oranga nui. Kei whakaroa koutou no te mea. " Kua whakahau nei ia i nga tangata katoa o nga wahi katoa kia ripeneta: kua rite hoki i a ia he ra, e whakawa ai ia i te ao i runga o te tikanga, ma te tangata kua whakaritea nei e ia; kua tukua nei hoki he tohu ki nga tangata katoa, i tona whakaaratanga i a ia i te mate. "—Nga Mahi a Nga Apotoro, 17, 3O, 31. E TE KIA-KORERO ! KAHORE KOE E RONGO ? KOTAHI TONU TE WAHI HEI ORANGA TANGATA. I te takiwa i whakangaromia te ao e te Atua ka whakaturia e ia he wahi re- renga atu mo te hunga e whakapono ana ki a Ia (KENEHI 6. 14. 18. ) Pera hoki inaianei, "Kua rite hoki i a ia he ra, e whakawa ai ia i te ao i runga o te tikanga. " Na reira kua whakaturia e ia he wahi hei rerenga atu inaianei mo te hunga e whakapono ana ki Tana Tama ko Ihu Karaiti. (Roma. 1. 16. me 3. 24-26. ) Heoi te wahi hei rerenga atu mo te tan- gata i nga ra o Noa, ara te aka. Kenehi 7. 23. I naianei hoki kotahi tonu te huarahi ki te orangatonutanga, ara, ko te Karaiti. I taua takiwa kua ora nga tangata katoa i tomokia ki roto i te aka; inaianei kei a Ihu te orangatonutanga, "Ara ma Tona ingoa ka whiwhi ai ki te murunga hara nga tangata kotoa e whakapono ana ki a ia. " Nga mahi a nga Apotoro. 10. 43. Kua ora nga tangata ki roto ite aka kore rawa kotahi kia mate no te mea, "I tutakina atu ana ia e Ihowa ki roto. " Pera hoki nga tangata ki roto i a te Karaiti, "A kore ano ratou e ngaro ake ake ake—E kore ano hoki ia e riro ki roto ki te whakamatenga, engari kua whiti atu i temate ki te ora" E whakaae ana a Noa kei te haere mai te fore is it not better to bow the knee now in this accepted time ? Or will you wait until that day when you stand before the Great White Throne ? Remember, there will be no salvation for you there, if you refuse this great salvation now. Do not delay, for God " Now commendeth all men everywhere to repent: because He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised him from the dead. "—Acts 17, 3O, 31 READER ! WILL YOU NOT HEAR ? THE ONLY PLACE OF SAFETY. WHEN God was about to bring judgment upon the earth He provided a place of safety for those who trusted in Him (Gen. 6. 14-18) so now that "God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteous- ness, " Acts 17. 31. He has provided full re- demption and salvation from the wrath to come for all who believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ. Romans 1 16; 3. 24 26. In the days of Noah there was but one place of safety, and that was the ark, ( Gen. 7. 23); and now there is but one way of sal- vation, and that is CHRIST. There was safety in the ark for whoever was in it; and there is salvation in Jesus, that "through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins" [Acts 10. 43. ] None could perish who were in the ark, for "the Lord had shut them in; " so those who are in Christ by faith "shall never perish—shall not come into condemnation, but are passed from death unto life., Noah believed that the flood was coming not because he saw any sign of it, for he saw none; but simply because God declared that it should come; " By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house. " When the dreadful judgement came, those who believed God were safe in the ark; those who despised the word of God were overtaken and destroyed in the
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TE HOA MAORI. waipuke. Ehara i te mea kua kitea e ia i tetahi tohu. Kahore kau, En- gari e whakaae ana ia i runga i ta te Atua kupu. "Na te whakapono a Noa, i toria whakamaharatanga e te Atua ki nga mea kahore ano i kitea, i oho ai, a hanga ana e ia tetahi aka hei whakaora mo tona whare. " Ka puta mai te waipuke kua ngaro te ao, engari kua tika a Noa ma ki roto i te aka: Kua ngaro noa atu nga tangata o waho, kihai ratou i whakapono na ratou hoki a whakarere te kupu a te Atua. E te kaikorero! Tera erua nga ahua tangata ki te ao inaianei. Tetahi e whaka- pono ana ki a te Araki Ihu Karaiti ko te hoki te Aka tika. Tetahi e noho ana ki ti he me ona tikanga. Na, e noho ana koe ki tehea o enei hunga erua ? E! whaka- karongomai ki ahau, kaua koe e whakarere noa iho te kupu pai o te murunga hara i riro mai i te toto o te Karaiti. Kia tupato kei whakanau koe i tenei ra, te ra o tona manakohanga mai, hei reira ka ngaro rawa koe i te ra o tana riri, riri tika. HE MURUNGA HARA UTU KORE. I tetahi rangi i mahue atu nei i haere atu ahau ki tetahi koroua i raruraru ai i runga i te tikanga o te orangatonutanga. Kanui tona ahua pohehe tona maro kahore ano i kite noa he mea homai noa mai na te Atua te murunga hara. Ahakoa he nui taku korero atu kohore ano taua koroua i mar- ama noa na te Atua i homai noa mai te murunga hara i runga i te utu nui o te toto o Ihu Karaiti. Katahi ka ki atu ahau ki a ia. "Tera mehemea ka haere atu ahau ki te hoko tetahi mea mau maku ano te utu kei muri ka karanga atu ahau ki a koe, tikina to mea, me pehea ka harea e koe tetahi moni ki te toa hei utu ?" Katahi ka marama te kanohi o te koroua i te ki mai nei, "Kahore kau, kua whaka- ritea te utu: " Ka 'ki atu ahau ki a ia "Ki to mohio he mea tika kia whakaaetia e koe mau ka whakarite te utu i tetahi atu ra ?" Ka karanga mai ia ki ahau, " Kahore rnidst of all their thoughtlessness. Dear reader, to which of these classes do you belong ? Are you now taking refuge by faith in the Lord Jesus. Christ, the true Ark of safety, or are you carelessly enjoying the pleasures of sin ? Let me entreat you not to neglect the message of forgiveness through the precious blood of Christ. Take heed that you do not despise this day of His grace, and so the day of his righteous anger come upon you. PARDON FOR NOTHING. A FEW days since, when visiting an old man who seemed anxious about salvation, I found great difficulty in making him understand that pardon is the free gift of God, through the precious blood of Christ. At last I said to him, "Now suppose I were to go to a shop, and buy something for you, and pay for it, and tell you to go and fetch it need you take any money with you?" " No, " said the old man, brightening up; " it would be paid for!" "Need you make any promises to pay at some future time ?" I then asked. "No, " he replied, "I should have it for nothing. " " So, " I continued, " is it with forgiveness of sins. The Lord Jesus has paid the full price for it! He has had the groans—the sighs—the tears—the wrath—the pain—the punishment—yea, all that sin deserved! He bore it all! He paid the whole! Yes, bought forgiveness with His precious blood; and now He gives it as a gift to all who bring their sins to Him. " " Yes, " said the, old man, as his eyes filled with tears, "I see it now; it is pardon for nothing ! Pardon for nothing! Christ has bought it, and He will give it me !" "TRYING TO BELIEVE. " [AN EXTRACT] YOU will never be really happy so long as you continue to look at your own ever- changing feelings. You can only find rest in
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TE HOA MAORI. kua rite te utu, ka riro noa mai te taonga ki ahau. " Ka ki atu ahu ki a ia. "Ina, pera hoki te murunga hara. Na Ihu te Ariki i whaka- rite te utu nui, nona te aurere, te ngururu, te roemate, te riri, te mamae. Ae ra nga mea katoa hei utu tika mo te he. Kua pa ana mea katoa ki a ia. Nana i whakarite te utu nui mo te katoa, nana i hoko te murunga hara i tona toto utu nui. A inaianei ka homai noa mai e ia te murunga hara ki te katoa e kawe ana o ratou he ki a ia. Katahi ka tangi te koroua ka karanga atu hoki ia ki ahau, "Katahi ahau ka kite, koia koia, he murunga hara utu kore i E! he murunga hara utu kore. Na te Karaiti i hoko, nana i homai ki ahau !" TE WHAKAMATAU ANA KI TE WHAKAPONO. E kore rawa atu e tau ana to ngakau i nga ra katoa e titiro ana koe ki a koe ano; ki o whakaaro pai, o mahi tiki, o aha o aha. Heoi ano te huarahi ki te rangimarie, koia ra, te mahi i oti tonu i a te Karaiti. Kauaka e whakamatau ana ki te whakapono. Pera ka ki atu koe ki to hoa, e whakamatau ana ahau ki te whakaae to korero: tera pea ka riri atu ia ki a koe. Kia tau to ngakau ki te aroha o te Atua, ki te mahi i oti ai a te Karaiti, ki te whakaaturanga hoki o te Wairua Tapu ki roto i te karaipeture. Katahi ka whaka- moemiti koe, ka waiata, ka whakawhetai hoki koe ki a ia. Ma te Atua e whakarere ai nga mea katoa e whakaporearea ana i a koe, a kia homai hoki ki a koe, ara to wairua, nga mea tino pai rawa atu o Tona orangato- nutanga. (Mo nga Tamariki ) ME PEHEA KA KORE E WHAKAPONA INAIANEI? I tetahi rangi i mahue atu nei ka haere ahau ki te huarahi o tetahi kainga. He kete kei ahau, he taonga ki roto. Ko tetahi o nga mea o roto he pihikete reka. I ahau e haere ana ka makere taua paehere pihikete ki te huarahi. Kahore ahau i kite noa te makeretanga. Mea ke ka kite ahau Jesus and His finished work. Do not be "try- ing" ' to believe. If you were to say to a friend "'I am trying to believe what you say, " he would consider it a very poor compliment. Let your heart muse on the love of God, on the finished work of Christ, and on the testi- mony of the Holy Ghost in Scripture; and as you muse, the fire of devotion will kindle, and you will be able to sing and give thanks. May God chase away the clouds and mists, and pour in upon your precious soul the bright and blessed beams of His salvation ! C. H. M. (TO THE CHILDREN. ) WHY NOT BELIEVE NOW? THE other day I was walking in one of the streets of L., carrying a jacket over my arm. Before I left home I had put a small package of sweet biscuits in one of the pockets, and as I was going along this package slipped out and fell by the side of the pavement. I did not find this out till I had walked on several steps. When I tur- ned round and saw the biscuits, I did not wish to go back; so I looked at two boys who were standing in the road, and becko- ned them to me. "If you run back a little way, " I said, "you will find a package of biscuits by the side of the pavement. Be quick or it will be too late; if you find them you may have them. " They both looked surprised for a minute, and then one of them ran off as hard as he could go. The other shouted out after him, "Dont be so stupid, Bill; she is only de- ceiving us. Still Bill kept on, and at last caught sight of the prize, and in another minute snatched up the biscuits and ran off. As soon as the other boy saw there really was something to get, he ran too, but it was TOO LATE. I watched the boys a few minutes, for the one who did not believe my word was trying to get the biscuits from the other, but he was not strong enough. This shows how important it is to believe the word of a person who is to be trusted.
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TE HOA MAORI. kei te ngaro taua paehere, e hoha ki ahau ki te hoki ano ki te tiki. Tera nga tamariki tane e tu ana ki te huarahi, ka karanga atu ahu ki a raua, E tama ma kua makere taku paehere pihikete ki te taha o te huarahi, oma atu ki te tiki, e kore e roa ka kite taua mea ki te taha o te huarahi. A pera ka kite ma korua taua mea. Ka titiro tonu mai raua ki au, katahi ka oma tetahi o aua tamariki ki te tiki, ka tu tetahi kahore e haere. Ka Karanga te tamaiti e tu mai nei ki tera atu tamaiti, E Piri, kati ra, kaua koe e porangi kei te maminga ia. Aeha kahore e whakaronga taua tamaiti ka haere tonu ia katahi ka kite taua tamaiti te paehere pihikete e takato ana ki te taha o te huarahi. Anana! Ka kite te tamaiti e tu mai nei kua whiwhi tera te pihikete ka oma atu hoki ia. Engari kua he ia kua riro te pihikete ki te tamaiti ke. Ka haere maro ia ki te tango atu temea i taua tamaiti, otira kahore e kaha. Na, he tohu tenei kia whakarongo koe ki te kupu o te tangata tika. Na tika rawa te kupu a te Atua. Ko tana kupu tenei, me haere koe ki a Ihu inaianei. " Koia ano te aroha o te Atua ki te ao, homai ana e ia i tana Tama kotahi, kia kahore ai e mate te tangata e whakapono ano ki a ia, engari kia whiwhi ai ki re oranga tonutanga. " (Hoani 3, 16. ) Me mutu te noho, haere atu ki a Ia ki te whakawhetai mo tana aroha nui aka whi- whi koe te taonga nui whakaharahara o te oranga tonutanga. Haere3 atu koe 1d a Ihu i runga i te tikanga o te hinengaro me te ngakau. Whakawhetae atu ki te Atua mo tana mahi aroha ki te tono mai a Ihu Ida mate i runga i te ripeke ki Kaware mo nga tangata hara. Na kia mohio koe me hemea e noho ana koe ahakoa ka poto te wa, ka ngaro pea koe. Ka haere mai te mate pea ki te tiki atu i a koe, ka haere mai ranei a Ihu ki te tiki atu ona tangata e whakapono ana ki a Ia. A me pehea ka ngaro nei ? Ka whakaronga tatou ki te kupu kau ate tangata ahakoa he tauhou: a e tino wha- karongo ana tatou ki te kupu a te tangata tika. A me pehea te kupu a te Atua ? Ka- hore e whakarongo rawa atu ki tera, te kupu a te Atua ora, nana nei i hanga nga mea katoa i a Ihu Karaiti. "Ko ia hoki hei Now God is to be trusted, and His Word tells you to go to Jesus at once. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " (John 3. 16. ) Do not stop away a moment longer, but go and thank Him for what He has done, and you will get the won- derful gift of salvation- Go with your mind i and heart to Jesus, thank God for sending i Jesus to die on the cross of Calvary for poor sinners. You see, if you stop away from Him for a few minutes, you may be too late; death may come and take you away or Jesus may come and take His people away, and then you would be left behind. We oft times believe the plain, matter-of- fact statement of one who is even au entire stranger to us; and we unhesitatingly believe the words of those whom we know to be reliable. How much more should we trust the word of God-the Living God, who created all things by Jesus Christ, who giv- eth to all life and breath and all things. " Acts 17. 25. "If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater" 1. Jno o. 9. Those who believe God's word, that "The wages of sin is death, but the GIFT OF GOD is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" Romans 6. 23. Shall have the joy and de- light of knowing Him as their own precious Saviour. They shall know Him as the "Bread of life" here on earth, and as their "ex- ceeding great reward" throughout the ever- O O lasting ages of eternity. "JESUS IS MY SAVIOUR. " ——o—— THE following remarks that lately fell from the lips of a dear old saint, eighty-three years of age and who had been resting wholly on Christ only for a short time previously, are given in the hope that all who can read them may be similarly blessed: "If I could only express in words what I feel—the joy of being saved, —Jesus is my Saviour ! I want to tell it to thousands. Jesus has washed all my sins away; He'll never remember them. My only grief is, I did not know this before. Oh, the peace, and the joy, and calm of resting in Jesus! He is ever near me; He never forgets me a moment. He has taken all fear away. I'm never lonesome now. He speakes to me, and I speak to Him. I never thought I should know
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TE HOA MAOEI. homai i te ora, i te manawa, me nga mea katoa, ki nga tangata katoa. "—Nga Mahi a Apotoro, 17, 25. "Ki te whakaae atu tatou ki ta nga tan- gata whakaatu, he nui fa ta te Atua whokartu. " 1. Hoani. 5; 9. Ko nga tangata e whakaae ana ki ta te Atua kupu, "Ko te utu hoki o te hara he mate, Ko TA TE ATUA IA I HOMAI AI he or- ango tonutanga, i roto i a Karaiti Ihu i to tatou Ariki. " Roma 6. 23. Ka whiwhi ratou te pai o te mohio ko ia hoki to ratou kai whakaora. Ka mohio hoki ratou ko Ia te, "Taro o te oro. " (Hoani 6. 35. ) i konei nei ki te ao nei, a ko ia hoki o ratou, "Utu nui whakaharahara (Kenehi 15, l, )mo te wa ake tonu atu mutunga kore. "KO IHU TAKU KAI—WHAKAORA" ———o——— KO nga korero i raro iho nei, i puta mai, i nga ngutu o tetahi koroheke whakapono ka waru tekau ma toru ona tau (ki te ao, ) Kahore ano kia roa noa tona whakaokiokinga ki runga ki te mahi a te Karaiti a, e tukua atu ana me kore ano hoki tetahi atu tangata e pena me ia te hopu i te whakapainga a te Atua. (I pena ia) "Ano te taea rawatia e au te tino whakapuaki atu i aku kupu te ahua o oku whakaaro, this communion, What a heavenly day when we shall see Him face to face! I shall sound His praise through a never-ending eternity. I used to cry for sorrow, but now only tears of joy! I want now to live to Him to be to His praise the little while I'm here. " "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Acts 4. 12, ara, te koakoa o roto i a au moku kua whakaorangia ko Ihu taku Kai-whakaora ! Tabu hiahia he korero kia rongo te mano. Kua ukuia atu e Ihu aku hara katoa; e kore e hoki atu ano Tana mahara a mua atu ki aku kino. Heoi ano taku minakanaki, he te mohio wawe ahau. Anana te rangimarie te hari ngakau, me te pai noa iho o te whakawhirinaki atu (ki runga) ki roto i o Ihu ! Kei taku taha tonu ano Ia; hore rawa Ia e wareware ana ki a au, Kua tangohia atu e Ia te wehiwehi katoa. Hore rawa aku moke moke i naianei. E korerorero mai ana Ia ki a au, me ahau atu ki a Ia. Kihai rawa i tae aku whakaaro i mua ki tenei korerorero. Hei tino ra tapu te ra e kite atu ai tatou i a Ia he kanohi he kanohi ! Ka tangi te oro o toku whakapai ki a Ia, a, hore he mutunga. I mua e maringi ana aku roimata i te powiri i a ou, i naianei na te nui o te koakoa maringi noa te roimata ! Ko taku hiahia, kia pau rawa atu oku ra Mona, kia mahi whakapai atu Mona i nga ra ruarua e toe ake nei ki a au ki konei. " Kahore hoki he oranga i tetahi ake; kahore hoki he ingoa ke atu i raro o te rangi kua homai ki nga tangata, e ora ai tatou" ( Nga mahi a nga Apotoro 4. n. ) PRICE, Payable in advance—One Penny each, or Six Shillings per hundred and postage. THIS MAGAZINE MAY BE OBTAINED AT Bible, Book Tract Depot, KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Auckland. ,, 91 MANCHESTER STREET, Christchurch. ,,,, HARDY STREET, Nelson. ,, ',, MANNERS STREET, Wellington. Correspondence to be addressed "Te Hoa Maori, " care of Bible Book and Tract Depot, Karangahape Road, Auckland. The prayers and interest of the Children of God are affectionately sought in connection with this Magazine. JOHN vi. 5. 13.