Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 43. 06 October 1895

Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 43. 06 October 1895

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     " Tena ra, tatou ka korerorero, e ai ta Ihowa, ahakoa i rite o koutou

  hara ki te mea ngangana, ka pera me te hukarere te ma: ahakoa i whero

  me te mea whakawhero, ka rite ki te huruhuru hipi. " Ihaia 1. 18

    " Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your

  sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like

  crimson, they shall be as wool. " Isaiah 1. 18.


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The  Prayers and interest of the Children of God are affectionately sough

             in connection with this Magazine. John vi. 5-13.

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         tetahi tangata i tu mai ki tetahi tari whakaputa pahe

      o tetahi rerewe ki te tiki i tetahi pahe mana.

   Ka ui atu te karaka o te tare ki a ia kia whakaatu ia te ingoa

 o te tehana tana e hiahia ana kia whakaputaina ai te pahe nei.

   Katahi ka ki atu taua tangata ki a ia, Aua; kahore au e tino

 mohio ana

   Hei kona ka mea atu taua karaha ki a ia, Ko te mea pai kia

 tere ra tou whiriwhiri.

   E  te kai korero, ki taku mohio ka whakaae koe he tangata

 ahua kuare taua tangata nei, he korero tika hoki te kupu o taua

 karaka ki a ia.

   Otira ra, i a koe e kata ana ki tona kuwaretanga ka patai atu

 e ahau tetahi patai ki a koe. Kei konei koe  i tenei ra, otira

 ra, ka haere atu koe i konei. A, i a koe  e rere atu i konei

 ka ui atu e au ki a koe " Ko hea koe ?"

   Kai te rere atu koe i konei ki tetahi wahi miharo. Tera pea

 ka whiti atu koe ki reira i muri mai o te whitinga mai o tetahi

 atu ra. Kei kona te takiwa mutunga kore.

   Ka  mohio  ai koe i tera nei, otira i mahara ranei koe ki te

 tikanga o te takiwa mutunga kore, ki te tau mutunga kore. A

 hei kona ka moho koe ki te kainga pai o te Atua ranei, ki te

 mea poure rawa, mea mutunga kore ranei 1

   A ka haere atu e koe i konei ki tehea o awa mea erua. Kahore

 ranei koe e mohio nei 1

   Ehoa, mehemea e pera ana koe he tika ra ka nui atu tou ku-

 waretanga i to te tangata kuware i tu nei ki te tare o te rerewe

 nei. Hei konei ka tuaruatia e au ki a koe te kupu a taua karaka,

 " Ko te mea pai kia tere ra tou whiriwhiri inaianei.

   Ka  kite ranei koe aua tangata e tu nei i kona ki tawhiti noa

 atu nei. Ka me to ratou Ateha, "Titiro mai; " "Haere. " A

 ka hahore to ratou haere. A, te aroha o te Atua, me nga toto utu

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                TE HOA MAORI              3

nui a te Karaiti ia ka takatakahia e ratou te hunga whakapono

kore nei. Ka  haere tonu ratou ki to ratou tikanga, ara, ki to

ratou whakawakanga.

  E  te kai korero ora kore, kei kona ra koe ki roto i taua hope.

Ko  hatana ia te Ateha. Ko te hake o te mate te powhiri, otira

ko te mutunga iho o te haere nei ko te ka nui whakaharahara o

te roto ahi.

  Tera pea ka kata nei koe ki taku korero whakatupato. Otira

e kore e kore. Ka  tika rawa taku korero, tera koa te whaka-

ngaromanga ki tou huarahi. Akuenei ka rongo koe te mea nui

rawa o te whakawakanga, he whakawakanga ririhau.

   A i a koe ka tae atu nei ki taua takiwa mutunga kore, e kore

nei te Karaiti ki reira, A me pewhea koe ? Me mutu nei taku

korero kei mataku  tetahi nei 1 Me pupuri nei e au te mea tika

 nei kei riri mai tetahi o te hunga rangatira nei ?

   E kau ! Me  korero atu e au te kupu a te Atua kia rongo ai

koe e te tangata ora kore hei kona kia ora ai tou wairua e ahu

 ana ki te ngaromanga.

   E kore e kore to mahi o te mate, Tera pea  e kore e roa ka

 pangia tona ringaringa makariri ki tou ate. Hei kona ka poro-

 poroake te ngakau pouri, hei kona hoki o hoa e tu pouri ana, te

 urupa hoki e tuwhera ana. Otira aue te aha amuri? Kia

 mau mai, he mea tika rawa, he mea pono, tera he roto ahi. Ko

 taua ahi e ka ana, he mea tikanga tera mo te hunga, katoa e

 whakakore ana te Karaiti. Ka tau te pouri o taua mea ki runga

 i te hunga katoa e tahuri atu ana i te maramatanga o te aroha o

 te Kai-whakaora. Otira ra, ehara tera i te mutunga atu. Kao.

 E kore e taea te roto ahi ki te huna atu koe i te ahua whakapou-

 ruru o te Atua. E  te kaikorero ora kore, tera pea ka nehua koe

 i o hoa aroha, engari ka rangaa mai koe a i waenganui i te paka-

 rutanga o nga ao ka tu ai koe ki te whakawakanga a te Atua.

 Kei kona te aue mo tou wairua e he ana i a koe. Kei kona ka

 ka, whakarongo atu ki te panuitanga o nga mea he i meatia nei e

 koe i o ra ki tenei ao. A  kotahi tonu te kupu  atu ki a koe

 amuri, koia ra ko tenei " Kia mahue atu. "

   Tera pea he tangata karakia koe inaianei, he ngawari, he ata-

 whai, ahua tika hoki, kua arohaina koe e te katoa, otira mehemea

 e kore ano koe i whiwhi i a te Karaiti kua puritia hei tikanga

 mou  nga moa  katoa kua ata korerotia i runga ake ra, a e whai

 tonu ana koe i aua mea.

   E  karanga atu ana au ki a koe kia tupato. E kore e taea tou

 mahi  ki te kai i te hakaremete, tou waiatatanga, tou hoatutanga

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                 TE HOA  MAORI.

ki te rawakore, tou ahua tika, tou aha ranei ki te arai i te mea o

te whakawakanga  tika. E  kore e taea aua mea ki te whaka-

tika i a koe mo te rangi. Heoi te tika mo te tangata hara, ara,

ko te toto o Ihu.

  Tera  koa, e ahua tika tou ahua ki tau titiro, engari ra, e mea

ana te Atua, " He huarahi ano tera e tika ana ki ta te tangata

titiro; tona mutunga ia ko nga huarahi ki te mate. "  (Nga

Whakatauki. 12. 24. ) Tera ano, "Ta te kuare he whakapono

atu ki nga kupu  katoa; e ata whakarongo ana ia te tangata

tupato ki tana hikoinga. '   (Nga Whakatauki   12. 15. )  E !

Whakarongo  ki ta te Atua kupu. Whakatika mai ki nga taki

nui mo tou wairua.

   Otira ra, tera pea e ki ana koe, kati, kahore au kia whakaae

ko au kia tino ngaro mo ake tonu atu. Ki  te pera koe. kia tere

ra tou whakarite ki a te Karaiti inaianei. Tera koa, mehemea ka

tatari koe mo apopo ka taka te tikanga mo, ara, te roto ahi ake

tonu atu. Kia  kauaka koe kia whakaae ki nga mea hanga noa

iho o tenei ao hei mea utu ki a koe mo te hari mutunga kore.

 E kore e taea te korero hanga noa iho, te mahi kaare, te aha

 ranei, ki te whakangawari i nga mea kino o te roto ahi. He mea

 poto te ra o te atawhai. Kia kauaka e whakaroa noa iho kei

 paangia tenei aitua nui ki a koe. Ma tou whakaaro atu ki tou

 wairua utu nui kia whakatika koe, " Kia rere i te riri mea ke

 puta mai. "

   Otira tera he tikanga ke kua taka mo etahi, tera he huarahi ki

 te ora, ae ra, me whakawhetae atu ki te Atua mo tera. Ka hia-

 hia ranei koe ki te uru ki roto i te hunga ora ? Ki te pera tou

 hiahia maku e whakaatu te huarahi ki a koe.

   Na, kua tu tetahi hui whakakitekite i tetahi taone ki Ingara-

 angi i tetahi ra i mahue atu nei. Kua ata piri nga panui o taua

 hui ki nga wahi katoa o taua taone me te tohutohu atu hoki te

 huarahi ki taua hui. E whenei ana te kii ki roto i te panui "Ko

 te huarahi teiwi ki te hui whakakitekite" Kia waiho atu mo te

 tangata kuware te haereere ketanga mehemea i ata kite nei ia i

 taua panui. A  mehemea  i patai mai ki au e tetahi tangata ki

 taua taone ko tehea koia te huarahi tika ki taua hui whakakite-

 kite ka ata tohutohu ia e au ki taua panui te ki atu hoki ki a ia

 kia rite tou haere ki nga mea  kua  panuitia ki reira. Na, he

 nui rawa atu te marama o nga mea i tohutohungiae te Atua e

 kore e taea te tangata kuware ki te kite kore. A ko taku hiahia

 tenei kia whakakitea koe e au i aua mea.

   Na, ko te utu ki te patai a Tamati ki a Ihu me pehea ka-

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matau  ai matou ki te huarahi, ka ki atu a Ihu ki a ia, " Ko

ahau  te  huarahi. "  (Hoani 14. G. ) Kia kauaka koe kia

pohehe ki taua mea nui. Kihai a Ihu i mea mai " he huarahi; "

kau, engari " te huarahi. "

  Tera pea e mea mai tetahi, Aeha, kei te tohe tatou katoa kia

uru ai tatou ki te wahi kotahi, kahore e tikanga ki te huarahi i

tae atu ai tatou ki reira. He tika pea tou ki mai nei kei te tohe

koe ki taua wahi kotahi, otira, ko tou mate e kore o oratanga, a

ki te kore kue i whiwhi ai i tena, e kore rawa he tunga mou ki

roto i taua wahi kotahi e ki na koe ko ia te mea e whai ana koe.

  E kore he oratanga motu ke i a te Karaiti. " Kahore hoki he

oranga i tetahi ake: kahore hoki he ingoa ke atu i raro o te

rangi kua homai ki nga tangata, e ora ai ratou. (Nga Mahi A

Nga  Apotoro 4. 12. )

  He  kupu tuturu tera e kore e taea te whakakore. Na te Atua

taua kupu  tika, he mea nui hoki tera kia whakahengia i tou

whakaaro he. A mehemea  he tangata mohio koe me mutu

inaianei to mahi ki te rapu i tetahi oranga mou ma runga i nga

huarahi ke atu, engari ra kia rere atu koe ki a Ihu inaianei tonu


  Na  te Atua ia i whakapiringia te oranga o nga tangata hara

ki te kororia o Tana Tamaiti tika, a e tino kore atu te tangata

hara kia ora ai motu ke i a Ia.

  Tera pea ka ui mai koe e whenei ana tou ui, " Kahore ano kia

mahia  e te tangata tetahi mahi i te tuatahi a muri iho kia

ora 1"  Ae. Ko  tenei. Kia whakatikaia te tika o te Atua.

Kia wahawaha  te whakawakanga o nga hara. Kia oti te mahi o

te whakaoranga   Ara, kia ata rite te whakaaro o te Atua ki nga

tikanga katoa o te hara i mua i tou whiwhitanga i te oranga.

   E kore pea koe e whakahihi anu ki te ki mai nei, ko au, ka

 taea e au ki te pera, ki te whakaoti i taua mahi ki tetahi wahi

 ranei o taua mahi. Kahore. Ko  Ihu anake  ia e taea ki te

 whakaoti i aua mahi a kua otia tikatia hoki e Ia.

   I a Ia he ahua toa ano e tata ana ki te mate Ka karanga atu

 Ia " Kua oti. '' Hei reira oti ai i nga mea katoa rite tonu ki te

 te Atua i pai ai, a, Nana hoki i whakamau i tona hira ki te mea

 i a Ia nei i whakaaranga i a Ihu i te mate. " I whakaarahia

 ano hoki mo to tatou whakatikaia" Na te ripeka i whakaatuatu

ana te nui o te aroha o te Karaiti ki a matou no te mea i reira

 Ia i waha te whakawakanga tika a te Atua. Ka taea ranei koe

 te ki atu ko Ia ki reira moku 1 Waiho atu te urupa e kautaha-

 nga ana hei whakaaturanga o te ngaromanga o te mate me te

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                 TE HOA  MAORI.

wetekina hoki o nga herehere e mau rana i te hara. Ko koe ranei

tetahi o taua hunga ? Kei te noho te Karaiti ki te torona o te

rangi hei tohu nui o te painga o te Atua mo ake tonu atu ki te

mahi i otia e te Karaiti ki Hangahanga. A, na kona no taua

wahi e whai mana ana e whai kororia ana hoki ka tonoa atu e

Ia ki a koe te oranga me te mohiotanga hoki o te whiwhitanga

o taua taonga nui. "Na kia mohio koutou, e hoa ma, e aku tua-

kana, na tenei tangata te murunga hara e kauwhautia nei ki a

koutou; a mana nga tangata katoa e whakapono ana, ka whaka-

tikaia ai i nga mea katoa. "   (Nga Mahi  A  Nga  Apotoro

 13. 38-39. )

   Ano ra, tera koa te tunga tika hei okiokinga mou, he mea

 whakapumau  hoki tera, kahore he aha, he aha. E whakaatu

 ana aua kupu pai te tikanga o te oranga i tonoa atu ki a koe, te

 take, kua otia noa te whakaritenga i waho ke atu i a koe a

 kahore hoki koe i uru ki roto i te mahi.

   Ka  ki mai tetahi taetamariki ki au i te mutunga o tetahi o

 taku kauwhatanga  ki Kaneta, " Tera, me titiro ano au ki taua

 rarangi, katahi au ka kite e pera ana te tikanga o taua kupu. "

 A, ka mirimiri i ona kanohi katahi ia ka mea atu, " Kia whaka-

 moemititia te Atua, kua  whakatikaia au. " E  taku kai-korero

 aroha tangohia e koe te kupu a te Atua hei reira koe ka mau te

 rangimarie a muri.

   Otira pea e ki ana koe, " He nui ano oku hara " Ahakoa, kia

 waiho atu tera he take tika mou kia tangohia e koe ko Ihu he

 Kai-whakaora mou. Ahakoa  ko koe nei te tangata tino whai

 hara ana i waho i te roto ahi, ka whakapumau te kupu nei. " A

 e horoia ana o tatou hara e nga toto o Ihu Karaiti o tana Tama. "

  1. Hoani 1. 7. " A mana nga tangata katoa, e whakapono ana,

 ka whakatikaia ai i nga mea kotoa. "  I te wa tonu e tango

  ana e koe te Ariki ko Ihu i runga i nga tikanga o te whakapono

  koia ra kei reira tonu ka whakaritea te tikanga mou, ara he

  tunga mou ki roto i te kororia nui a te Rame mo ake tonu

  atu. Hei kona ka tika tou waiata—

                 Tera he kaainga moku kei runga ra,

                   Kua wehea i te pouri kua wehea i te he,

                 He whare nui ra na te aroha mutu kore

                   I whakaritea mai i hanga hoki moku.

    Ko  reira Ia i arohaina nei matou a tae noa tona matenga, ko Ia

  kei waenganui i te hui ko Ia te mea nui ki reira mo ta tatou

  karakia te putake hoki o to tatou waiata atu mo ake tonu atu.

    Ano  ra te mea nui mo tatou ! Kei te tatari tatou inaianei mo

  Tona hokinga mai ki te tiki mai i a tatou i tenei ao kia kawe atu

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                TE HOA  MAORI.

tatou ki Tona  ake kainga ki te kororia. Hei kona, " Mana

nei e whakaahua ke to matou tinana tutua nei, kia rite ki tona

tinana kororia. " (Piripai 3. 21. ) "E  kore  e aha, kimo kau te

kanohi. "   (1 Koriniti 15. 52. ) He  roa Tana  i tatari atu nei,

otira e whakaae ana matou e kore e taro ka tae mai  Ia. E

toru Tona  kupu ki roto i te korero mutunga o te Paepera, e

whenei ana te ki, " Ka hohoro taku haere atu. " E ! Kua

ata rite koe 1

  E hoa ma, Ka patai ano e au taku patai atu ki a koutou " Ko

hea koutou??" Kia waiho te tikanga mo koutou ki te Rangi

ranei, ki te Roto ahi ranei 1


       I aha hoki to koutou oranga T

     " He kohu  ra, he iti nei te wa e puta mai ai, na, ka

memeha atu. "—Hemi 4. 14,

   " H hau e pahure atu ana. "—Nga Waiata 78. 39.

  "Nui  atu te tere i te rakau a te kai whatu. "... Hopa 7. 6

  ''Ano he whanuitanga ringaringa. "—Nga Waiata 39. 5.

   " E rite ana oku ra ki te atarangi e whakawairua kau ana. "—

Nga Waiata 102. 11.

   " Ano he korero e korerotia ana. "—Nga Waiata 90. 9.

  " Rite tonu hoki ki te tarutaru nga kikokiko katoa; te kororia

katoa ano hoki o te tangata, ano he puawai tarutaru. E maroke

te tarutaru, e ngahoro tona puawai. Ko te kupu ia a te Ariki,

mau  tonu ake ake. A ku te kupu ano tenei e kauwhautia atu nei

ki a koutou. "—1 Pita 1. 24—25.



E   TU  ! E  tu ! Kei te haere tonu koe ki te rua !

    Katahi ka tu te kapo, Ka nui tana hari ki au mo taku

karanga atu ki a ia, he nui hoki tana whakawhetai ki au.

  Tera tetahi kapo ano e haere tonu ana ki tetahi rua kino.

  Ko  wai tera 1

   E te tangata ora kore e korero ana i tenei korero, Ko koe ra

te tangata  ! Na te atua o tenei ao ia i whakapouri i o kanohi

i nga hara. Nana  nei i whakatika i a koe kia haere atu ki te

rua kino, ara ki te roto ahi, Katahi ia ka karanga atu ki a koe,

Whakatika  J Haere atu ! A ka haere atu ra koe !

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  E ki ana te kupu aroha o tenei pukapuka. E tu ! E tu ! Otira

ra, tera pea koe ka porowhiu atu te pukapuka nei, a ka tango

ake he pukapuka ke he mea hanga korero noa iho, ka waiatatia

ranei e koe tetahi waiata hanga reka kia paana atu i to whakaaro

pouri, a ka haere ano koe ki tou haereere.

  E ! He mahi marama ranei tou mahi 1 Kahore koe e aroha

ana ki tou wairua 1 Kahore ranei koe kia whakarongo mai ki

tetahi kupu aroha, kupu whakatupato 1

  Kia whakaae  koe  ki tenei, heoi taku hiahia atu ki a koe, kia

whakaae  koe kia tu, kia tahuri atu, kia rere atu.

  E !  Rere atu koe ki nga ringaringa o te aroha mutunga kore

hei reira koe kia ora ai. Ko  te Karaiti anake ia te wahi kia

ora ai koe. Ko Ia te Kaiwhakaora kotahi tonu mo nga tangata

hara e haere atu ra ki te roto ahi. Na reira koe kia matau nei

 kia haere atu koe ki a Ia aianei tonu nei.

                   Karahi au ka ki, E tu koe, e !

                     Aianei koe kia rongo ai te ki;

                 Whakamuturia  tou haere ke atu kei taka koe

                     Ki roto i te ahi, ka tonu nei!

              KO HEA KOE?

        HOA, e haere ana koe ko hea ?"

   \_      " Ki te takiwa mutunga kore. "

   " I reira ranei koe i te tuatahi ?"

   " Kahore, otira tera he tini nga tangata i tae atu ki reira,

 engari au, he mea hou katoa taua huarahi. "

   '' A ki tou mohio a whea koe ka tae atu ki reira ?"

   "Aua, kahore au e mohio ana, akuenei ranei, i tetahi atu tau

 ranei. "

   " E whia nga tehana e tu ana tou tereni nei ?"

   " Kahore kau, ka haere tonu,

       Kahore he tunga i te na i te po ranei. "

   "Kahore  ranei koe e kaha ana ki te whakamutu tou haere


   " Kahore e taea e au. Me haere atu e ahau. "

   " A  he tika, kahore koe e mohio ana ka pewhea te roa o te

 huarahi ?"

    " E kore e taea e ahau ki te whakaatu i tera ahakoa ka utua

 mai i te moni nui, ara te reina te kau pauna ranei. "

    " He mea miharo koia tena !  A ka ki nei koe e kore koe e

 mohio  ana te minete  ka tae mai te tareni ki te tehana; i te

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                TE HOA  MAORI.

mutunga o te reriwe a ka tae atu hoki te kaiwhakahaere ki te

karanga atu ki a koe kia puta koe ki waho nei ?"

  "Ae, he tika tena. "

  " Ko wai te ingoa a te kaiwhakahaere ?"

  " Ko te mate, "

  " A, ka pewhea te roa o tou noho ki reira ?"

  " Mo ake tonu atu. Kahore au kia hoki mai. "

  " Pewhea te ahua o taua kainga ?"

  "Kei  au tetahi pukapuka e whakaatu ana  te ahua o taua

kainga, engari he iti taku korero atu i taua mea. Otira ka tae

taku korero atu ki tenei, e ki ana taua pukapuka tera e rua nga

kainga ki reira, kahore tetahi atu. "

  " He ahua rite ranei aua mea e rua ?"

   " Kahore rawa. Ka  rere ke tetahi i tetaha. Ko tetahi

            He kainga pouri rawa atu.

He  kainga mo te tangihana, mo te aue, mo te ahi me te kupapa-

papa e ka tonu atu. Ko  te kainga ke he mea pai atu tera, pai

 atu i te rangi paku o tenei ao. Kahore o reira tangata e mate

 kai ana, e mate wai ana, kahore he mea pouri ki reira, kahore he

tangi, kahore he mamae, kahore he mate. Ko te kainga tera o

te KINGI Nui. "

   "A, ka uru koe ki tehea o aua kainga e rua ?"

   " Aua. Kahore au e mohio ana. He tika he iti taku whaka-

aro atu ki aua mea. "

   " He iti tou whakaaro atu ki ana mea nei 1 Ehara ranei tera

 mahi au i te mea pohehe noa iho 1"

   " Mehemea e pera ana taku whakaaro atu ka pangia te mea

pouri ki toku ngakau, hei kona he moa pai atu te nupepa ki au

 te pukapuka korero hanga reka ranei i to tera. "

   " E hoa, kia ngawari mai koe ki au mo taku ki atu nei engari


 ki taku mohio

           He  tangata porangi ko koe. "

   " Ko au e mohio ana ki taua pukapuka e ki na koe e mau ana

 nei ki a koe. Tera he maha  nga patai nui ki roto. Ko tenei

 tetehi ' He aha hoki te pai ki te tangata, ki te riro mai i a ia te

 ao katoa, a ka kore he ora mona ?' Ka whakahau hoki i a koe

 kia titiro atu koe ki a Ihu Karaiti kia ora ai koe. E hoa, he

 kupu nui tenei naku ki a koe, kia whakatika tou oranga inaianei

 ka tae atu ranei te tareni ki te tehana mutunga o te rerewe.

   He nui nga ra kua whakapaungia noa iho, me mutu te mahi

 pera, otira, ' Rapua a Ihowa i tona kitenga ai; karangatia atu

 kei tata ana ia. ' ' Kia whakarere te tangata kino i tona ara, te

10 10

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 10               GOOD  NEWS.

tangata mahi he hoki i ana whakaaro; kia hoki mai ano ki a

Ihowa, a, ka aroha ia ki a ia; ki to tatou Atua hoki, he nui

rawa hoki tana mahi tohu. "


       [The foregoing Article are free translations of the following. ]

               YOUR DESTINY,

AT     the railway station of W——, a man presented himself

  at the booking-office for a ticket.

   " Where  for ?" asked the clerk.

   " I am not decided, " replied the man.

   "Then  you had better. decide at once, " was the prompt re-

joinder of the clerk.

   Now  I am sure, my reader, you will agree with me that this

 man was very stupid, and that the booking-clerk's advice was the

 best that could be given.

   But while you  laugh at his folly, I will put a question to you,

   You are here to-day. But you are going. And  as you pass

 with rapid flight across the sands of time, I too would ask you,


   Passing on to some grand  goal you are. The end of your

 journey may  be reached before another sunrise. It would be


   You  are aware of this, but have you thought that eternity,

 with its unending ages, must be spent either in God's bright glory-

 home, or the darkness of eternal gloom ?

   To which of these destinies is time carrying you 1 You DON'T

 KNOW  ? Then  surely your folly is infinitely greater than that of

 the undecided man  at the booking-office. And I would in all

 earnestness echo the words of the clerk, and say to you, " Then

 you had better decide at once. "

   Do you see that long line of human beings stretched as far as

 eye can see ? " Eyes front!" cries the commander; " forward !"

 and, at doublequick, every Christless soul marches over the love

 of God, and the precious cleansing blood of Christ, onward to

 doom and damnation.

   Unsaved  reader, YOU are in that regiment The  devil is at

 the head. The fluttering fold of death's dark flag is the standard,

 but the end of the march is the raging tempest of the lake of fire,

11 11

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                   GOOD  NEWS. 11

  You  may laugh at our warnings. But that does not alter the

truth that destruction is ahead of you. Soon the  hoarse and

angry roar of judgment's flood will full upon your ear.

  And  when  launched into a Christless eternity, WHAT THEN?

  Shall we drop the curtain lest some be horrified 1 Must we

hush  up the truth, perchance we offend the ears of the polite ?

Nay!  we will utter God's Word for the sake of your precious

soul, unsaved reader, which is in danger of eternal loss.

  Death  is busy. His icy fingers may  soon be laid on your

throbbing heart. Then the sad farewells. The sorrowing friends.

The open grave. But, oh ! WHAT THEN 1 Remember, hell is

an  intense reality. Its blasting tempest is the portion of every

Christ-rejecter. Its awful gloom  settles on all, who turn away

from  the sunlight of the Saviour's love.

   Nor is this all. Hell will not hide you from  God's frown.

Unsaved  reader, your body may  be lovingly laid beneath the

 cold sod by sorrowing friends, but it will be ruthlessly torn from

 thence by the hand of judgment, and amid the crashing of worlds

you  will appear at God's bar. Woe  then  to your hapless soul,

 as your guilty life-story is rehearsed in your hearing, which will

 only be  followed  by  that hope-blasting, soul-crushing word


   You  may be religious, amiable, generous, respected, and loved

 by everybody, but, if you are CHRISTLESS, this is the DESTINY to

 which you are travelling.

   We  raise the warning. Your  sacrament-taking and psalm-

 singing, your alms-giving and moral living, can never ward oft

 the strokes of righteous judgment. They will not admit you to

 heaven. Christ's blood is the sinner's only plea.

   YOUR  WAY may seem right to you, for God says, " There is a

 way which seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof are the

 ways of death. " And  again, " The way of the fool is right in his

 own  eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. " Listen

 to God's counsel. Awake   to the interests of your soul.

   But you say, I don't mean to be lost for ever. Then you had

 better decide at once for Christ. One day's delay may mean hell

 for ever. Oh ! let not this world's tinsel or pleasure rob you of

 eternal joys. The  novel, the  theatre, the gambling-table will

 give no solace in hell. Short is mercy's day. Hesitate no longer,

 lest this awful doom be your destiny. For the sake of your

 precious soul, " Flee from the wrath to come. "

   Thank  God ! there is a way of escape, and a very different

12 12

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 12               GOOD  NEWS.

destiny awaits many. You are anxious to be amongst the number.

  Then let me point you the way.

  In one of the Yorkshire towns, the other day, a great show

was  being held. On the walls all over the town pointers were

posted, and also these words, " This way to the show. " Now, no

one in their senses could possibly inake a mistake after reading

one of these. And  if any one had asked me on that day the

way to the show, I would simply have told them to follow the

directions on the walls. So GOD'S  POINTERS are so plain and

simple that you need make no mistake about them, and to these

I wish  to direct you.

   In answer to the inquiry of Thomas as to the way, Jesus

replied, "I AM THE WAY"  (John xiv. 6). Don't make any

 mistake here. Jesus did not say " a way, " but " the way. "

   "Oh!  but, " says one, "we are all aiming at the same place,

 and it matters little which way we take. "   Possibly you  are

 aiming at the SAME PLACE, but it is salvation you need, and apart

 from that the place you are aiming at will have no room for you.

   For salvation you are shut up to Christ Jesus. " Neither is

 salvation in any other: for there is none other name under

 heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved " (Acts iv.

 12). This is decisive. This is God's truth in contrast to your

 opinion, and if you are wise you will cease to seek salvation in

 other ways, and flee to Christ at once.

   God  has linked the salvation of sinners with the glory of His

 worthy Son, and NEVER will one sinner be saved apart from Him.

   " But must something  be done, " you ask, " before the guilty

 can be saved 1" YES. God's righteousness must be vindicated.

 Sin's judgment must be borne. Redemption's work  must be

 accomplished. In short, God must be satisfied about the whole

 question of your sin before you can be saved.

   You  are not so presumptuous as to think that you could do it,

 are you 1 No!  None but Jesus could accomplish this work, and

 He  has done it perfectly.

   When, as the dying victor, He rang out those three glorious

 words, "IT is FINISHED!" everything was done to God's entire

 satisfaction, and God has set His seal upon the work by raising:

 Jesus from the dead. "He was raised again for our justification"

 The  cross tells us of the love, which led Him to bear  God's

 righteous judgment in our stead. Can you say, He was there for

 me 1  The  empty grave speaks loudly to us of death destroyed,

 and  of sin's captives released. Are you one of them ?  And

13 13

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                  GOOD  NEWS. 13

Jesus fills the throne in heaven now, a proof beyond doubt how

satisfied God is FOR EVER with the work accomplished at Calvary.

And  from the place of power and glory He offers to you, not

only salvation, but the knowledge of it.

  " Be it known  unto you  therefore, men and brethern, that

through this man is preached unto you forgiveness of sins: and

by him  all that believe are justified from all things. " (Acts xiii.

38, 39. )

  Here  is a solid foundation upon which you may rest without

any doubt or uncertainty. These  precious words tell of salvation

offered to you, because a work has been done outside of you, and

apart from you.

   " Let me look at that verse; I never saw it like that before, "

said a young man at the close of one of our gospel meetings in

Canada. Slowly he read the words over, and then rubbing his

eyes as the light broke into his soul, he said, " Praise God ! I'm

justified. " Take God at His word, beloved reader, -and the peace,

which  follows, will be yours.

   But you  say, " I'm  such a  sinner. " Well, that only proves

 your title to claim Jesus as your Saviour. You may  be the

worst  sinner out of hell. It would still be true that " the blood

 of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from ALL sin " (1 John i. 7);

and  that " all that believe are justified from ALL things. " The

moment  you accept the Lord Jesus by simple faith, your destiny

 will be THE LAMB'S BRIGHT GLORY. You  will be able to sing


                   " I have a home above,

                       From  sin and sorrow free;

                     A  mansion which eternal love

                      Designed and formed for me. "

The  One, who  loved us even unto death, will be there as the

 centre of heaven's worship, and the theme of our eternal praise.

   What  a prospect for us ! We wait for His personal return to

 take us away from this world to His own glory-home. " Then

 he shall change our vile bodies, that they may be fashioned like

 his own glorious body" (Phil. iii. 21), "in a moment, in the

 twinkling of an eye " (1 Cor. xv. 52). He has tarried long, but

 we  believe He will soon be here, Three times over, in the last

 chapter of the inspired page, He tells us—" I COME QUICKLY, "

 Are you ready ?

   Once more I put my question to you—Where  are you going ?

 Is your destiny to be HEAVEN or HELL ?        J. T. M.

14 14

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 14               GOOD  NEWS.

           WHAT IS YOUR LIFE?

             is your life ?

         "It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time,

and then vanisheth away. " (James iv. 14. )

  It is as " a wind that passeth away. " (Psalm Ixxviii. 39.

  "Swifter than a weaver's shuttle. " (Job vii. 6. )

  "As  an handbreadth. "  (Psalm xxxix. o. )

  " Like a shadow that declineth. "  (Psalm cii. 11. )

   " As a tale that is told. " (Psalm xc. 9. )

  " All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of

grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:

but the word  of the Lord  endureth for ever. And this is the

 word which by the gospel is preached unto you. " (1 Peter i. 24,

25              \_\_                                         


    STOP  ! Stop ! ! You are going straight to the pit. "          

       The blind man stopped. He  was glad to be warned of        

his danger, and many  were the thanks that he  gave to the

stranger, whose friendly voice had arrested his steps.

   Another blind man is marching straight to the pit.

   Who  is he 1

  Unconverted reader of these lines, THOU ART THE MAN.

The  god of this world has blinded your eyes with sin. He has

 set you with your face to the pit of hell, and he cries—" For-       !

 ward ! March !" And on you go. 

   Stop!   Stop !!  cries the  friendly voice of this little paper

 Yet you toss it aside, and take up  your novel, you whistle a        

 lively tune, or sing a merry song to drive such gloomy thoughts     i


   Is it wise! Do you not love your own soul ? Will you not  

 heed the friendly warning ?

   Believe us, our  only desire in addressing you thus is to per-                

 suade you to halt, turn about face, and flee !                       

   Oh  ! flee to the arms of infinite love and be safe. Christ is; 

 the Haven  of Refuge, the only Saviour for hell-bound sinners.

 Then be wise, and betake yourself to Him at once. It

                   " Once again I charge you, stop !

                      Now  the friendly warning take;

                      Stay  your footsteps, or you'll drop

                       Into the burning, fiery lake. "

15 15

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                  GOOD NEWS. 15: 

           WHITHER BOUND?

, stranger, where are you bound for ?"

           " To the shores of eternity. "

" Have you ever been there before?"

"Never, thousands have, but to me every bit of the road is new. "

"How  soon do you expect to get there ?"

"I haven't the least idea, maybe in an hour, maybe the journey

   take years. "

 "At what stations does your train stop ?"

 " None. It is a through train,

       stopping nowhere, night or day. "

 " Are you bound to take this journey ?"

 " I can't help it. I must take it. "

 " And you don't know how long it will take ?"

 " I couldn't tell you if you gave me fifty pounds. "

 " That's strange! Did you say that any minute the train may

raw up at the terminus platform, and the conductor open the

Dor and bid you get out ?"

 "Yes. "

 " What is the conductor's name ?"

 " Death. "

 •' Are you going to stop there long 1"

 " For ever. I shall never return. "

 " What   sort of a place is it ?"

 " I've got a book that tells me all about it, though I rarely

 ad it. But I have read enough to know that in the eternal

 world there are two countries and only two. "

 " Are they much alike ?"

 " As different as anything could be. One is

            a land of outer darkness,

 land of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, a land of fire

 d  brimstone and of burning tempests. The other is a land                                     

   than day, where men neither hunger nor thirst any more, 

   there is neither sorrow, nor crying, nor pain, nor death.

  is the home of the Great King. "                                                            

  "In which of the two shall you be ?"

  " I don't know. The  fact is, I don't think much about it. "

  " You don't think much about it! That's odd. "

16 16

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 16               GOOD  NEWS.

  " I should be miserable if I did, so I read the newspaper and

the latest sensational novel. "

  " Sir, pardon me, but

               I fear you are a fool.

The book you have I happen to know something of. It asks some

weighty questions. For  instance, ' What shall it profit a man, if

he shall gain the whole world' and lose his own. soul ?' It bids

you look to Jesus Christ and live. O sir, before your train halts

at the last platform I pray you make your salvation sure.

  "Much   precious time has been already wasted—waste no more,

but at once ' Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye

upon Him  while He  is near. Let the wicked forsake his way,

and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto

the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God,

for He will abundantly pardon. '"                  W. B.


       " Haere mai ki ahau, a koutou katoa e

     mauiui ana, e taimaha ana a maku kotou

      e whakaokioki. "  Matiu 11. 28.

       " Kia tangohia noatia ano te wai ora e

      te tangata e hiahia ana. " Whakakitenga 22.


       " Come unto Me, all ye that labour and

      are heavy laden, and I will give you nest. "

        Matt. xi. 28.

       "Whosoever  will, let him TAKE the

       water  of life freely. " Rev. xxii 17.


     Printed by C. B. Murray, at his Registered  Printing Office, 46, Lower Queen Street,

                           Auckland, N. Z. July, 1807.