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Latest commit

r39551 by anupama @ 11.24 pm, 5th November
The number of columns in the main grading table for csmax596 had changed from last year to this, so that the final report column was off by 1, which meant all subsequent columns we inspected for summary stats were also off by one. Now committing a more robust fix than just hardcoding the column number of the first col we inspect in the grading table. TODO: grading page may actually involve multiple pages. Pressing the Generate Docs button on each page seemed like a sufficient temporary measure. But we found today that it is not the full solution, as past batch info gets saved as comment in the final report page of the 1st student listed on the current grading page. To properly keep track of batches, want all grading pages processed together and only stored as comment in the final report page of the 1st student of the *first* grading page. Without doing so, we'd need to replicate the past batch comments across all final report pages of first students listed in the grading tables of *each* grading page.

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YourKit არის ინოვაციური და ინტელექტუალური საშუალებების შემქმნელი Java და .NET აპლიკაციების დამუშავებისთვის. ჩვენ მათ ვიყენებთ Greenstone3-ის მუშაობის სიჩქარის გასაუმჯობესებლად. გადახედეთ YourKit-ის წამყვან პროგრამულ პროდუქტებს: Java profiler and .NET profiler.